Jake Pavelka Says He Isn’t Ready to Date, Getting Close To Kelly Bensimon?

Jake Pavelka

Just over a month after his nasty and very public split with fiance Vienna Girardi, it seems Jake Pavelka is quite ready to move on to a new relationship.

“I’m not dating yet. I’m still just taking time for me,” the former Bachelor star told PEOPLE at the Rock ‘n’ Roll Half Marathon in Chicago. “I’m definitely doing some ‘me time’ right now.”

And when asked about the current season of the Bachelorette featuring his ex Ali Fedotowsky, Jake had the following to say: “I feel like I know Ali [Fedotowsky] pretty well,” he said. “I think any decision she makes is going to be the right one for her. She could go either way.”

And despite has nasty split with Vienna, Jake has no regrets with doing the show. You grow up so much during that show,” he added. “You’re not the same person when you start that you are when you finish. It’s an incredible experience.”

Kelly Bensimon with Jake Pavelka

In other news, could a romance or friendship be budding between Jake and the Real Housewives of NYC’s nuttiness known as Kelly Bensimon?

The two were photographed running side by side in the Rock ‘n’ Roll Half Marathon in Chicago this weekend, and have since been tweeting to each other, leading to dating rumors.

After the race, Kelly made the following tweets after posting a picture of herself with Jake at the marathon –

@LitSnitch #bachelor. Not sure who to believe, not my show to judge. Jake is a good guy. He should be an actor @jakepavelka1

@jakepavelka1 hope to see you and janice this week. Maybe nobu????? Yummmm

@megellisonfloyd @jakepavelka1 don’t judge jake. All reality stars are just having fun with the process. Wear love

Jake also tweeted back the following –

@kikilet Hey! We landed a while ago and sat on the ramp for hour and half! Good luck! And great running w u as well!

@kikilet Nobu! See u there!

Slow news day folks. All very interesting.