16 and Pregnant Recap – Double the Drama, the Twin is a Mama

I’ve been gearing up for the new season of 16 and Pregnant and tonight’s premiere started out with a different kind of love triangle. The show heads to St. Louis where we are introduced to Jordan Ward, her twin sister Jessica (Jessi), and Jordan’s boyfriend Brian Finder. Right off the bat, Jordan is at the center of a battle of tug-of-war between the person with whom she shared a womb and the person who put someone in her womb (too much?).

We find out a lot in the first few minutes. The twins were born to young parents and their father didn’t stick around. Their mother couldn’t handle raising the girls on her own. At age nine, they were adopted by their grandparents, and by fifteen, the girls had left conventional high school to pursue modeling (irrelevant and superficial sidebar–how gorgeous were their modeling photographs?). Jordan meets Brian at a baseball game, and we learn that while she was on the Pill, she hadn’t been taking it long enough for it to be effective. Brian also cues us in on the fact that she has been pregnant the majority of their relationship. He remembers thinking when they first met that they’d make pretty babies one day, he just thought it would be years down the road. He seems very sincere and responsible and truly in love, a refreshing change from some of the hateful, immature sperm donors we’ve seen in past seasons. He chooses not to go away to college as planned, and to get a job and attend community college so he can bond with and support his family.

In a 16 and Pregnant phenomenon that I may never fully understand, the parents often allow the boyfriend to move into their home. I get that their daughter is already pregnant, so what more could happen, but still…In this case, Jessi takes Brian’s arrival into their house particularly hard. She thinks she’s losing her sister to Brian, and it’s kind of heartbreaking because it’s clear that she and Brian both really love Jordan. Brian isn’t just some insecure d-bag who is trying to alienate his knocked up girlfriend from everyone else in her life in an effort to have control (yes, I am looking at you ADAM from Teen Mom 2!!). It’s sad to see it from Jessi’s point of view as well, as the person she has shared her entire life with seems to be moving in a majorly different direction.

Unfortunately for Jessi, Brian isn’t feeling the whole Three Amigos situation and wants to be the only one present for the actual birth. Jordan is tasked with making the tough decision to tell her sister she is no longer going to be in the room for baby Noah’s grand entrance. Jessi doesn’t take the news well (understatement) and begins a bit of a freeze-out of her sister, hanging out with other friends and skipping out on one of Jordan’s doctor’s appointment. Mission accomplished. Jordan tells Brian that regardless of whether Jessi is present at the birth either she or Brian will have not gotten what they wanted. Seeing as she has the trump card of actually having to go through hours of labor, Jordan decides Jessi is back in the game. This is good news considering she begins having labor pains a few days later. Time to head to the hospital!

Dear readers, the exchange that happens next is what I have to believe the creators were hoping for when conceiving (bad pregnancy word play…you’re welcome) the premise behind this show. Jordan asks the nurse, “How often do people poop during labor?” and the answer is, “Quite often.” As if labor pains and the revelation that your future will never be the same as your friends continue on their merry way while you’re home with a screaming infant on prom night wasn’t enough–Teens, if you get pregnant you will likely poop during your baby’s delivery. Surely the knowledge of that outweighs the minor embarrassment incurred from going to a drug store for condoms.

So after seven hours of labor, baby Noah James arrives. In a tender peace offering, a visibly moved Brian hands off the baby to a visibly moved Aunt Jessi. Now, I don’t want to start any rumors, but did anyone else notice that Brian is wearing a band on his left ring finger? And on second glance, Jordan is wearing what appears to be a diamond solitaire on her left hand as well. Did I miss something? After lactation lessons, diaper changing lessons, and swaddling lessons, it’s time to head home with the newest addition. The baby cries a lot, as does Jessi, who tells Jordan she’d feel upset too if it were Jordan watching Jessi as a new mom with a live-in boyfriend (this may clear up my rumor, although I am not totally convinced).

Having a newborn at home is not easy, although it is nice to see everyone stepping up to the plate to help. Noah cries and cries (and cries and cries and cries) for six weeks, at which point Jordan takes him to the doctor and discovers he has horrible acid reflux. As the episode draws to a close, Brian seems to be working hard, his and Jordan’s relationship appears solid, and Jessi is embracing her individuality and youth (she’s even sporting some cute new bangs!) as she promises to live life to the fullest so her twin can live vicariously. MTV makes sure we’re aware that Jordan goes back on birth control. I have to say that I am glad MTV opened with this episode. It was refreshing to see not nearly as much drama (although the season will be packed with it, no doubt). After watching Jordan’s after show interview on MTV.com, it seems like this little family is on the right track, and they are moving to California so Brian can join the Air Force. Jordan also reveals that Brian and Jessi have a much better relationship. Oh, and they aren’t married yet…have I mentioned I tend to jump to conclusions?


Click The Continue Reading Button To See A Recent Photo of Jordan, Brian and baby Noah!

Jordan Ward with husband Brian Finder and their baby Noah. Jordan and Brian got married in January.