Bethenny Frankel Talks Relationships, Sex, & Marriage; Launches New Skinnygirl Drink!

Skinnygirl Advice Guru, Bethenny Frankel is giving a sneak peek of things to come on her new talk show in an interview with More, where she dishes about the keys to a good marriage and finding the right Mr. Frankel.

Bethenny has admitted she picked Mr. Wrong a couple of times (including Jason 1.0 during RHoNYC) which led to a failed marriage and being the single woman, aka punching bag on Housewives. Describing what went wrong in her first marriage, Bethenny clarifies: “I was simply too young. It taught me not to try to fit everything into a perfect Tiffany box.” Instead go for a custom ring from a boutique jeweler (I love Bethenny’s ring set, I must admit).

She also explains trying to date a good on paper guy never works out – instead look for someone who can deal with you: “You can’t sleep next to an 8 x 10 piece of paper. Choose someone who takes care of you, who cares for their family and who will be a good partner and parent, and someone who you actually like, respect and laugh with.”

Bethenny encourages those who are in a relationship due to a fear of being alone (and being eaten by an Alsatian) to recognize they need to move on: “You know you’re holding on to a relationship because of fear when you think no one else will want you or love you, or you worry you will never find someone as good. You shouldn’t try to negotiate and rationalize; you should just feel.”

Mrs. Hoppy, who we all know likes her c*ck comments, is never one to shy away from difficult topics, as she confronts the sticky issue of sex in a relationship and opines: “It’s awkward, but sex must be discussed. It constantly changes: honeymoon stage, while pregnant, after baby, with children, in your 50s, etc. Communicate.”

As for what led to her finding Jason 2.0, aka her hubby, Bethenny believes being happy with who you are instead of being a desperate loser is the key to finding love: “Being ok with who you are and where you are in your life, whether alone or with someone, is the secret to finding what you want and need. Desperation and fear will take you to the wrong places and the wrong relationships.”

When asked what advice she has for daughter Bryn on finding the right guy, Bethenny replies: “I would advise her that getting men to respect you and want to marry you — as much if not more than they want to get physical with you — is an art form.”

In other Bethenny news, the diet drink mixologist just released Skinnygirl Sangria and here’s hoping it’s as, uhhhh… good(?) as Skinnygirl Margarita!

Even if it’s not, no worries, as Bethenny has some friends in high places; Bethenny tells Celebuzz: “Lea Michele is a big fan of Skinnygirl Margarita, so I sent her the Sangria before the launch, and she loves it!” And just who else is a Skinnygirl aficionado? Apparently: Kate Hudson, Snoop Dogg, Anne Hathaway, and Hoda Kotb! Wow – Bethenny really gets around!

Bethenny is pictured above on Aug. 3 during the launch party for her new Skinnygirl drink!

Will you be trying Skinnygirl Sangria? What do you think of Bethenny’s advice on love and marriage? Are you excited to watch her new talkshow?