BBW’s Tami Roman Suffers A Heart Attack; Plus Evelyn Lozada Calls Jennifer Out For Being “Fake”

In today’s shocking Basketball Wives news, Tami Roman is recovering after suffering from a heart attack.

Tami’s publicist is confirming the news stating that Tami, 41, suffered a mild heart attack on Monday night and was immediately taken to the Cedars-Sinai Medical Center in Los Angeles.

“She has since been released and would like to let her fans and supporters know she is doing fine and looks forward to resuming her scheduled engagements. She will also be back on Twitter communicating with her followers shortly,” says her rep.

Also proving that she’s doing better, Tami took to her twitter to thank her fans for their support. She tweeted: “Thx 2every1 for the get well wishes. Never thought I’d have a mild heart attack at 41. God has a way of bringing things into perspective. Finally going home 2my kids-heart meds and all.”

Tami also added that she is taking some time off from Twitter. She wrote, “I’m off twitter 4 awhile, no stress recovery, but I appreciate ALL the positive energy & the negative 1’s-get a life-I sure appreciate mine.”

Regardless of how one feels about Tami, it’s good to know that she is okay and recovering well. While shocking, heart disease is the leading cause of death in women, with cancer being second.

Moving on, as if there’s one lesson we’ve taken from reality television, it’s that you may not want to let your daughters grow up to be Basketball Wives. Or at least, a cast member of that show. Being a regular athlete’s wife is probably not a bad gig.

On last week’s episode, Evelyn Lozada and Jenn Williams got into it, with Evelyn even threatening to jump Jenn! It’s like the show is Bad Girls Club with way better clothes! New girl Kenya tries to talk Evelyn down from her psychosis but Evelyn decides to wield her clutch purse as a weapon anyway. Those things are dangerous, girls!

Like all reality stars, Evelyn and Jenn took to their blogs to clear the air. Jenn says she hates to fight which confuses me; why is she on this show?

“Once again, I have never been a fighter and I refuse to start at this age especially on TV.I don’t consider myself a role model but I do know there are young women that watch Basketball Wives. Fighting on TV sends the wrong message to our youth. It is not ok to put your hands on someone and think it is acceptable. There is no reason as grown women we can’t be mature and discuss our feelings without putting our hands on another. Expressing your feeling through violence is WACK!!! For someone whom I have shared many laughs, cries, good and bad times with to say they are going to wait around the corner for me just saddens me.”

Don’t be sad, Jenn. Cry into your VH-1 paycheck. Jenn doesn’t understand what she did that was so wrong, at least she didn’t hook up with anyone’s husband! That may have been worth a beating, apparently:

“I haven’t done anything to anyone on Basketball Wives where violence should be the answer. I haven’t slept with anyone’s man or harmed anyone’s family. What does fighting resolve? After the fight, we still aren’t going to be friends. So lets just all be mature here and move on from the pettiness…”

Evelyn on the other hand decides to pull the classic trick of alluding to some insider gossip that we are not privy to. I hate when they do that! Evelyn says in her blog:

“I may have had a bit of alcohol in me at dinner, but I definitely don’t need liquid courage where Jennifer is concerned. The truth will be revealed and everyone will see along with those contacts how fake she really is. I have always been a loyal friend and there is much more behind the scenes that the audience doesn’t know about and one day it will come to light. As the old saying goes, “people who live in glass houses shouldn’t throw stones.””

What is it? Tell us! This all may be irrelevant considering that Evelyn’s next target looks like it’s Kenya! Last week, the ladies discovered that Kenya stood by and let some people trash them on a radio show. There was also the issue of Kenya calling Evelyn “loose.” Oops. Evelyn is not too pleased and all the women end up fighting yet again.

“We had to get everything out in the open and figure out who was lying. It felt good to not be in the middle of all the crap for once and I was finally happy to be the mediator! Kesha was the only one telling the truth during this conversation and when she told me Kenya said I was LOOSE, being the mediator didn’t last for long! I know BI-POLAR Betty didn’t try to call me loose? You have amnesia in my face, but during the solo interviews you all of a sudden remember saying that about me?!? And, I see how you threw Royce under the bus…good move. Let me give you a tip Kenya, the next time you try to give me some advice regarding friends, why don’t you first consult with a make-up artist and find the correct foundation to match your skin tone! GTFOH Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde.”

Ooh, good makeup burn!