Shahs Of Sunset Recap – The Shahs Of Great Neck; Reza’s A Hot Mess, Minus The Hot And Triple The Mess

Last night’s episode of Shahs of Sunset gave us a glimpse into Reza Farahan’s daddy issues, Sammy Younai’s creative math abilities, and Golnessa “GG” Gharachedaghi’s aversion to poor people’s clothes.  Also, what happens in Vegas comes back to haunt you, repeatedly.

The episode starts out with GG and Asa Soltan Rahmati taking a stab at being friends.  Asa decides she wants to expand GG’s horizons (in case daddy really does cut off her credit cards?) and takes her to her favorite resale clothing boutique, Decades.  GG admits that she’s not a fan of vintage clothing and says that you just can’t get rid of the stench from “used clothing”.  In GG’s world, vintage = peasant rash.

ASA and GG dish about Mercedes “MJ” Javid’s rude behavior, showing up three hours late for the party GG threw for her parents’ 40th anniversary.  GG is happy that Asa agrees with her that it was disrespectful.  MJ was right last week, the wrath of GG IS coming.

We get to meet Reza’s mom! He explains how hard she worked and gave him unconditional love after his dad left. Reza talks about his upcoming trip to NY to see his dad for the first time in several years.  His mom brings out some pictures from Reza’s childhood.  Reza’s mom was Muslim and his dad was Jewish, which was a scandalous relationship at the time.  His dad had to convert to Islam and his family was furious.  Reza’s parents never stood a chance because they had so much pressure coming from both sides of the family.

Over at GG’s condo, she and her friend Tahira get ready for girls night.  Here comes the crazy! You know Girls Night in GG’s hood is code for Golnesa Gone Loco up in someone’s face, at some point in the evening.  GG vows that won’t be the case and if there’s any sign of impending drama, she swears it’ll be the end of her night.  She doesn’t put that in writing.


The girls all arrive for dinner.  GG, MJ, Anita Gohari, Anita’s sister, Asa, and Asa’s mildly annoying friend Sunny.  Asa wants us to know that her friend is crazy talented and runs her own ‘multi multi million dollar company’.  Not just multimillion dollar, multi multi.

An hour in, GG brings up MJ’s late arrival to her parents’ anniversary party.  MJ tries to explain that she didn’t have a choice, she needs to work and that comes first.  Sunny, the new girl, jumps to the defense of MJ, giving a speech, in which she basically just rambles about working hard and comes off a little overly judgmental at GG’s bankrolled-by-daddy lifestyle more than anything.  GG is annoyed, but does a good job letting it go.

Appetizers arrive and suddenly Vegas rears its ugly head.  Anita confronts MJ and wants to rehash the “five seasons old” dress debacle.  While, I do think it’s time MJ took some responsibility for her role in the Anita mean-girl-fest in Vegas, I do think it’s a bit late in the game to bring that drama back to the table.  But, somehow the conversation is spun around and it’s all GG’s fault again. Sunny jumps on her about how mean it is to pick on someone about their clothing choices. Sunny scolds Golnesa over and over for “not being a nice girl”.  There’s nearly a catfight, but aside from yelling, head bobbing and some hand gestures, nothing comes of it.

Sunny storms off and Asa comes back to tell GG that Sunny had some valid points.  Sunny DID have some valid points, but she seemed like she was waiting for any and every opportunity to throw digs at GG and worked hard to provoke her.  Clearly, Sunny hasn’t been warned about GG’s pet knives.

The next day GG takes a walk with her sister Leila to talk about the shouting match that went down at dinner.  Leila says they all act like they are in junior high.  Leila suggests that GG should seek professional help for her anger.  Didn’t GG just tell us last episode that she’s been in therapy for her whole life for her anger issues?  Color me confused.

MJ stops by Sammy’s crib to down some shots and margaritas in belated celebration of her birthday, since Sammy’s been out of the country.  Sammy proceeds to lie about the amount he spent on her gift, adding a zero on to the price tag of the diamond earrings we know he “only” paid $2800 for.  We haven’t had much time to get to know Sammy, but he’s rubbing me the wrong way already. If you have to tell someone the price of their gift and boost the number on top of that, you are twelve shades of tacky and just looking for a pat on the back.

MJ and her $25,000 $2500 earrings head off to Great Neck, New York with Reza to see Reza’s paternal side of the family.  Reza rents a car to drive to his cousin’s house for dinner, instead of hiring a car service, mostly so he can attempt to cruise prostitutes “yummy white ho’s” along the side of the road.  MJ says that Reza’s type is “barely legal and no chest hair, the total opposite of him”.  MJ successfully curb-blocks Reza from picking up a walking STD.

Reza’s anxiety about seeing his family is off the charts.  He shares, “I’m a hot mess, minus the hot and triple the mess”.

Most of Reza’s family warmly welcomes him (and the camera crew he’s toting along), except for grandma, who gives him the side-eye the whole time he’s there.  Or she’s just trying to figure out who this guy is and why these cameras are all over the house.  We learned earlier that Reza’s grandma is evil and even wore black to his parents’ wedding in protest.

Reza takes his dad outside for a heart to heart about abandoning him and not attempting to stay in contact for the past 17 years or so.  Reza’s dad does apologize to an extent and tries to explain all the pressure he was under for the religious differences.  And says when he cheated on Reza’s mom, he couldn’t take the guilt and left.

Reza has his reality star rite-of-passage moment, the ugly cry.  Reza lets his dad know how hurtful his actions have been and how it’s affected his whole life.

Reza blames his dad for the fact that he cheated in his past serious relationship because his dad had done it to his mom, so Reza thinks he was mirroring his dad’s actions.  I love Reza, but I’m not on board with this one.  If deadbeat dad was an axe murderer instead of a cheater, would we be having this same talk?

Reza’s dad then throws evil granny under the bus, saying that she made it too difficult for him to stay in touch with Reza because he wasn’t Jewish.  Again, nobody held a gun to daddy’s head and forced him stay away from his son, that we know of – maybe granny isn’t as docile as she looks.  If Reza and dad have anything in common, it’s blaming other people for their actions.

After some theatrics, and basically saying that nana is dead to him, Reza goes back in the house, while his dad stays outside to gather himself after their emotional talk.   Despite the revelations about his grandmother, Reza stays and has dinner with the family.

Mike wasn’t in this episode at all, but it looks like he’s back next week and we’ll be seeing some more sexual tension between him and GG.

In case you didn’t catch it at the end of the episode, next week is the season finale already!? Dear Bravo, six episodes does not equal a season.

We’re just getting to know this latest batch of famewhores reality stars and then you yank them from us.


Photo credit: Bravo TV