Shahs Of Sunset Star Lilly Ghalichi Talks Shopping And Fashion

Lilly Ghalichi's addition to the Shahs of Sunset cast has been nauseating. Besides the fact that her voice makes my skin crawl, she's a little uptight and a lot obsessed with herself. I hope that she won't be asked back for season three, though I kind of can't stand most of the cast right now, so whatever. Le sigh.
A positive about Lilly? Um, she's reliable? Lilly's choice of words / opinions have offended Shahs of Sunset fans time and time (and time and time) again and she shares (multiple) daily pictures of her signature Ghalichi Glam look.
Even I can begrudgingly admit that Lilly sometimes looks cute (over-the-top hair, makeup, and boobs aside, of course), so I was somewhat interested to read a recent interview about her fashion choices from The Hollywood Reporter

Lilly wearing Michael Costello
Lilly's Favorite Designers: "I'm currently obsessed with Gaurav Gupta. They have dressed me twice now, and it's safe to say I'm obsessed. They make really elaborate, one-of-a-kind couture pieces. The dresses push the envelope and are anything but ordinary. I'm not an ordinary kind of girl, so it's a perfect match.
A designer I've always loved is Michael Costello. He was featured on Project Runway, and he brings a young, sexy flair to his dresses (pic above). I've worn so many of his dresses that we have become close personal friends." 
Lilly's Favorite Shop: "It depends what I'm shopping for. If I'm shopping for clothes, my go-to, one-stop shop is Intermix. They have everything clothing related I need under one roof. A pair of jeans and a T-shirt for the day, and a sexy little Herve Leger for night."
Hidden Jewel: "There is a little resale store on West Third Street next to my favorite sushi restaurant. I casually went in there once after leaving the restaurant and found so many jewels. They have vintage Chanel bags, vintage couture clothes and really fun one-of-a-kind pieces you can't find anywhere else." 
Lilly wearing Gaurav Gupta
Lilly's Favorite Red Carpet Look: "My look from the OK! Magazine Pre-Grammy Red Carpet Party. I wore an elaborate white Gaurav Gupta runway dress, paired with metallic silver Jimmy Choos, and rocked a messy up-do (pic above). As for jewelry, I went with understated diamonds. Diamond studs, a diamond bracelet and a diamond ring. It's one of my favorite red carpet looks so far. Daring yet feminine and chic. The up-do was quite a departure from my usual larger-than-life hair, but I think the more classic look definitely suits me."
Shoe Obsession: "I bought two new pairs of Jimmy Choo shoes yesterday. They are both pointy toe stilettos; one pair is metallic silver and the other pair is glittery gold. I'm a little bit of a shoe addict."
Never Leave Home Without: "ChapStick, SPF, and Lilly Lashes. The air is really dry on airplanes, so I always travel with tons of ChapStick in my purse. I also find myself outside a lot more when I travel, so I try to never travel without SPF to protect my face. Lastly, I need my Lilly Lashes to brighten my eyes and distract from the bags I have underneath them from not sleeping. I can never sleep on planes!" 
Lilly's Fashion Woes: "Sometimes I don't realize I'm showing too much cleavage in the mirror before I leave, and it's only until I see a photo of myself that I realize how unflattering it looks."
Photo credit: Instagram