Heather Thomson Says Ramona Singer And Aviva Drescher Are Elitist And Ignorant!

heather thomson pink dress rhony reunion

Heather Thomson might holla a lot but that doesn’t mean she’s ghetto – no matter what Aviva “Crazy Legs” Drescher says!

After this week’s Real Housewives of New York reunion where Aviva called her “ghetto” and Ramona Singer implied she’s poor and déclassé, Heather is calling foul on the delusionistas!

Heather states that she hates to even defend her Berkshires home to Ramona, “who is acting like a pretentious brat and quite frankly, is being ridiculous. There is almost nothing worse to me than elitist behavior. That and foul ignorance.” 


Especially considering at least Heather’s Berkshires home is happy, unlike say Ramona’s Hamptons home where she caught Mario allegedly banging his mistress and she called the cops on them! Yeah, Ramona – errrrbody reads the news! “What’s funny is Ramona is painting a lifestyle that is seemingly much grander than what it really is…let’s be honest,” Heather reminds us.

“And seriously?! Mud pies!? Panic attack? I don’t think so, and I broke it down for her: if you wanted to leave early, (which she had planned all along), just say so! I could have cared less. In fact, we had more fun after she flew away!” says Heather who refers to Ramona as “exhausting.” 

“Flying away from the problem is instinctual for Ramona after all,” Heather continues. “She drops a bomb and runs for cover. It’s the same pattern again and again; she can’t deal with the absolute truth and changes the subject when she doesn’t like the subject at hand… And she is doing it again with Andy when he tries to bring up the Mario situation, but Lu’s not really havin’ that!”

Now onto Avicious, who also lives amidst her delusions of grandeur! “Ghetto? Gangster? Really? Are you referring to race or a socio-economic situation? Nice, Aviva, you ignorant cow. I think it is actually easy for this sedated narcissist to label me ghetto because I stood up for my friend. Sadly, she wouldn’t know what that feels like,” Heather seethes. Yes, Aviva loves those classist epithets – last season she called Ramonja “white trash” and this season labeled Heather “ghetto”!

“I would NEVER get physical with anyone no matter how pushed I am (remember her minion she tried to sic on me?), [AMANDA SAUNDERS – IMAGE CONSULTANT!] but I WILL use the strongest language when defending what I believe is right. My upbringing was barely middle class, and I make no apologies for that. My mother raised my sister and me with very little help, and I am very proud of my upbringing and my mother, especially as I reflect back on what she gave us as I raise two children of my own.”

“From both my parents and grandparents, I was taught strong values and ethics and I was given the tools to build a moral code that money can’t buy or sell. I was taught the value of hard work and the importance of good manners, but most importantly, I was taught to stand up for my beliefs and the value of honesty. I believe my success in business now is attributable to the lessons my mother taught me growing up.”

Aviva needs a mirror and she needs to open her eyes and look into it. Start there, girl,” Heather advises. “I am a woman and I am allowed in 2014 to be as strong as anyone without being labeled.

In conclusion, Heather has this to say to Aviva: “You wouldn’t last a day in the ghetto, Drescher. Just a few words out of your snobby mouth and they’d likely take off that fancy leg of yours and beat your sorry, elitist, ignorant ass with it. Holla!” Fight Club By Bravo! 

[Photo Credit: Bravo]