Bethenny Frankel’s Book Is A Hit; Dishes On Return To Show And Owning Her Failures

 Skinny Girl Valentine's launch party

Skinnygirl Bethenny Frankel is back and she is happy to be here.  In her first blog of the season, she dishes on her return to The Real Housewives of New York and her promise to stay honest and blunt and keep a sense of humor about the wild ride she’s been on. 

She starts off, “I am so thrilled to be back on The Real Housewives of New York City. I never thought I would say those words, because I really was ready to leave when I did. I do believe you need to know when to hold ‘em and when to fold ‘em, and I needed to make an exit at that time.”

Bethenny shares, “I have experienced incredible and very public successes and failures. I owe many of my successes to you and many of my failures to myself. I own it all.

The single mom shared that her priorities are shifted now that Bryn is here, “I have a beautiful daughter, the greatest, purest, most humbling gift of my life, which makes all of it seem so inconsequential. I have an incredibly exciting and inspiring career, and I have been lucky enough to have you. We’ve been together since my small apartment to having the international Skinnygirl brand ranging from cocktails to non-alcoholic beverages and bars, chips, dips, microwave popcorn, sweeteners, coffee, salad dressings, candy, appliances, and so on. Thank you for helping me create something amazing.”

She continues, “I am ready to connect with you again through this crazy show called The Real Housewives. I am so excited to reconnect with my fellow former Housewives and the new ones as well. We are older, wiser and funnier. We have experienced so many things in life that it makes for such a compelling journey this season.  It is real. It is deep. It is ridiculous. It is hilarious. “I Suck at Relationships” (the title for my new book appropriately), but I will die trying and will get there one day. “

Speaking of Bethenny’s new book. It just released two days ago and is already shooting up the charts on Amazon.


I give Bethenny some credit – most reality stars are way too narcissistic and would never consider thanking the viewers and fans for helping them along or for the success of their side-ventures. Nor would they ever own their failures or shortcomings…


Photo Credit: Joel Ginsburg/