Bachelorette Jillian Harris Defends Ed Despite Cheating Accusations


Jillian Harris is deciding to stand by her man, Ed Swiderski, despite piling evidence that Ed cheated on her. We broke the story yesterday night about Ed’s ex girlfriends selling their stories to USWeekly magazine. They are both saying Ed was intimate with them before and during the filming of the “The Bachelorette.”  With one claiming Ed slept with her after proposing to Jillian.

The cover of US’s new issue is now here. The ladies pictured above are the ex girlfriends. Lindsey Johnson is the blonde, and Bethany Steffen is the brunette.

You can read more of their claims and the shocking text messages sent to them by Ed here.

Jillian has however given multiple interviews defending Ed. She talked to People yesterday saying, “I am not destroyed!…There’s a little bit of anxiety that comes with this news, but I am absolutely not destroyed.”

“What did he do wrong?” Jillian asks. “My biggest concern is with everything that happened after the day we got engaged, and after we got engaged he has been so open with me. He’s told me all of this, every little text message and every little phone call. I use his computer. I know that any communication he had with the girls post-show was platonic. I’m not worried about it.’

So how does Jillian plan on getting through this? “Ed and I are trying to find humor in all of this — and there isn’t much — but it’s bringing us closer.” She’s right, there definitely isn’t any humor in any of this new information.

Jillian says she and Ed are planning on getting out of the “limelight” to focus on their relationship. “I think he feels very bad that I’m getting dragged into this and he feels bad for the girls as well.”

This is all very disappointing to read. Most fans, including me, were rooting for Ed and Jillian to have a happily ever after. I just can’t imagine them working through this. Cheating and lying even after he proposed to her seems like a major deal breaker in my opinion. I also think it would be best for Jillian to stop publicly defending him until she gets all the facts.

UPDATE – More details according to US.

  • Ed slept with Lindsey 8 days after proposing to Jillian. He tried to sleep with Bethany the next day.
  • Ed had been dating both Lindsey and Bethany behind each other’s backs prior to filming The Bachelorette in late March.
  • He texted Lindsey that Jillian wasn’t his “type” and that he prefers “all blondes.” He also wrote her “I love you.
  • He slept with both women while he was away from the show during his “job” hiatus.