Jon & Kate Settle Feud Over Missing Money In Court


It seems the money feud that has been brewing between Jon & Kate Gosselin is finally settled, for now at least.

Attorneys for Jon Gosselin and Kate confirmed Monday morning that Jon has complied with a court order to return money missing from the couple’s joint bank account, a total of $180,000.

So this dispute is finally over and we can breathe a sigh of relief right? Well not exactly, as Jon is now accusing Kate of refusing to account for how she spent $33,000 in cash withdrawals. Kate has always maintained she used her withdrawals to pay bills.

Unfortunately for Jon, the judge found Kate to be in compliance, after her attorney provided receipts for nearly $60,000 that Jon claimed she had taken during the same time frame. As for the remaining $33,000 Jon said was unaccounted for, Kate’s lawyer said the court didn’t require such an accounting.

Jon showed up in court for Monday’s hearing; Kate, who has a book signing appearance in Long Beach, California Monday afternoon, did not attend the hearing. Her attorney was there on her behalf.

In other news, Jon is once again without a lawyer, as his Pennsylvania counsel, Charlie Meyer resigned as Jon’s attorney as of Monday. “I’ll just get another attorney,” Jon told PEOPLE. “I have to.”