OC Housewife Jeana Keough Talks Leaving The Show, Vicki And More


One of the original Orange County “Housewives,” Jeana Keough is leaving the show to focus on work. Due to the chanllenges of the real estate bussiness, the Wisconsin native and former Playboy Playmate wants to focus her attention on short sales and escrow disbursements.

Tonight’s episode will highlight her exit from the show. Though she is off the show, Jeana plans to tune in every Thursday. In a recent interview, Jeana opens up on her departure, plans to return to TV, what she really thinks about Vicki, Gretchen & Slade’s relationship plus the possibility of a wedding.

These are excerpts from Jeana’s interview below:

Well, now that we’re on the topic. Explain a little more about why you decided to leave the show.

Work. My real estate just went down two-thirds because I wasn’t around the summer to do the open houses and do the things that make me successful. I mean, you can have 15 listings but if you’re not the one sitting on them on the weekend and telling the people the positive things about the houses and why they should buy this house instead of another house — it just … me not being there hurt my sales. The market changed horribly anyway. And me taking off four months in the height of the season was just really hard on me. I needed a summer to get my business back on track. I took a few other jobs. I’m doing, like, three spokesperson jobs. I needed to focus on my income. Loan modifications and short sales take an extraordinary amount of time over a normal sale. So I had to do four loan modifications on four properties. Plus helping all my clients do their short sales. I really didn’t have time to do the show. I had to move Kara from Berkeley down to UCLA. I had to go college searching with Colton. The kids were at a point in their life where they wanted a break from it. They really enjoyed their break from it … but now they miss it.

Over the seasons, we see the ins and outs of your relationship with Vicki. You guys bicker occasionally, but you always seem to work things out. This season, we learn that you asked to borrow money from Vicki and she didn’t help you out. And it seems you sort of lost touch. Talk a little bit about the situation.

It was a small amount of money. It was a deadline for summer school and I didn’t get a check for a week. It was a small amount of money for a small amount of time. It meant nothing. I picked up the phone and called my next friend. It didn’t bother me at all. It just … I don’t know. It hurt my feelings just for a second. But I didn’t dwell on it. I don’t even know why she mentioned it. It was an insignificant thing. I’m not sure. It didn’t hurt my friendship with her. We just got busy. You see in the next few episodes, she traveled a lot this summer. She had to go to a whole bunch of different states for work. And she traveled with the show to a couple of different places. She wasn’t around. Normally, I went on vacations with her. If she was going to Mexico, we’d go. But I’m on a Mexican moratorium so I didn’t go this year.

What do you think of the Tamra-Gretchen feud?

I told Tamra many, many times: “It’s none of your business. One guy woke you up one night. Get over it. Say you’re sorry.” We actually did an appearance where she apologized on TV. She wanted to do it on TV so everyone would know. She did apologize. She wanted to move on. But, of course, the episode came out and it brought up bad feelings. Hopefully, it’s done now and we can move on.

What about Gretchen and Slade’s relationship? True love?

I have a feeling they will be the next wedding. They’re very, very close. And they’re so cute together. Gretchen’s a girlfriend kind of girl. She wants to be married and have kids so … I think they’re in it for the long haul.

Do you keep in contact with the ladies when the cameras aren’t rolling?

I do. I just was with Lynne and Quinn the other day at a Taste of San Clemente.

Do you watch any of the other versions: Atlanta, New York…

I TiVo them all. I don’t get to watch them all. I try to keep up on them. Jill and I talk every other week or so. I haven’t talked to Bethenney since she got engaged and pregnant. Hopefully I’ll see them when they’re in New York, if they’re there.

I’m sure things will work out.

I think they will. I have lots of things going on right now. I’m working on a book. Keeping myself busy. It’s a book about my life — being from Wisconsin; being a Playmate and the Hollywood lifestyle and taking a break and coming back to reality TV wonderland.

When will that be done?

Maybe a year. It takes a long time to do it right.