Preview The Real Housewives of DC, The Salahis Admit They Owe Money

Real Housewives of DC

An all new episode of the Real Housewives of DC coming up tonight.

The 3rd episode of the season is titled ‘Foreign Relations.’ It’s off to Paris! After a spontaneous decision by Michaele and Tareq to join Stacie and her husband in Europe, the couples start to bond. Meanwhile, controversy over D.C. etiquette has the housewives questioning Michaele’s role as a host for high profile events.

Cat is hard at work on her book and getting her cover ready, when disappointment strikes. The housewives gather at Mary’s fashion dinner to welcome a celebrity hairstylist, but with previous drama still lingering, things don’t go as planned.

The new episode airs tonight on Bravo at 9/8c.

In other DC news, the NYPost is reporting even more debt for Tareq and Michaele Salahi. According to the Post, six of 20 vendors who worked on the Salahis charity, America’s Polo Cup, last year told HBO the Salahis owe them sums ranging up to $25,000.

This comes up in a HBO’s “Real Sports” profile of their charity. “Do we owe people money? Sure, sure,” said Tareq before claiming that he’s waiting to collect his debts from others as well. “It’s a trickle-down effect,” added Tareq.

As for Michaele, she just wants to get back to the couple’s old life. “We’ve been the ‘it couple’ for the past decade,” Michaele tells Bernard Goldberg of HBO’s “Real Sports”

The NYPost is also reporting today that the premiere party the Salahis held two weeks ago, you know the one that was suppose to raise money for charity, brought in a huge zero amount for charity, confirms the event organizer. The organization said it was promised 40 percent of the profit but was recently told the packed, cash-bar event didn’t make any money.

As for why the packed event failed to bring in any money for charity, a rep for the Salahis claims they know nothing about this: “This was not a Salahi event. They were not privy to the operational and management aspects of this event, nor were they compensated for their appearance.” Allrighty.

As for the show so far, I thought it would be a boring franchise but I found myself really enjoying last week’s episode. Bravo did a great job with the casting. Will likely start doing recaps in about 2 weeks or so.


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