Jules Wainstein

My Favorite Real Housewives Who Were Only On 1 Season

Sometimes we have Housewives who are “one and done” for a reason. Other times we have Housewives who should have been one and done but for whatever reason they had preferential treatment enough luck on their side to get another season or two.

And then there are the few who were… quirky, or maybe they got under the wrong person’s skin and were not asked to return. Let’s take a look at a few Real Housewives that might be gone, but they certainly aren’t forgotten.

Real Housewives of Orange County – Quinn Fry

Quinn Fry was an enigma, wrapped in younger men and fake hair. This firecracker popped into Real Housewives of Orange County in Season 3 and promptly shared her love of Jesus and a penchant for bleached blonde boy toys who wear an excess of linen. But that’s not all, don’t forget the non-committal golf pro, BILLY. How could one forget Billy and Quinn’s cringeworthy Vegas trip? Quinn brought out her sexy time wig and alternate personality to try and woo Billy into submission, spoiler alert – it didn’t work. Bless dear Quinn, who refused to admit she was over 29 years old and lived in everlasting hope of finding true love. She left after one season but thankfully Quinn reappeared in Season 5 for her most iconic moment. Along with another one of her infamous wiglets, of course. During a classy soiree held at Jeana Keough’s palatial home, Tamra Judge, then Barney, approached an unsuspecting Jeana fully loaded with a glass of red wine and a bone to pick. Quinn stood aside as Tamra screamed at Jeana and launched her meaty cab directly into Jeana’s eyeball. It was a moment true RHOC fans will never forget.

Real Housewives of New York – Jules Wainstein

It’s safe to say poor Jules Wainstein walked directly into a pit of vipers when she joined Real Housewives of New York for the 8th season. She was tall, she had long hair, she was attractive, and she was quite obviously thin. Naturally this placed an immediate target on her back as her co-stars Bethenny Frankel and Carole Radziwill were on a Mean Girl of Epic Proportions 2016 tour. Not only that, her (now ex) husband was a real piece of work too. Jules had eating disorder issues, which she eventually shared with the ladies, who immediately took it upon themselves to be offended by Jules’ struggle. Viewers might also remember when Jules’ father was incredibly ill and she attempted to relay her concerns to Miss Manners Countess Luann de Lesseps whilst vacationing in the Berkshires. Luann could only hear the constant ringing of Bethenny calling her a giant whore repeatedly and completely disregarded Jules’ dismay. Sure, Jules had an odd injury in her vaginal region and called it her pistachio, but we’ve all heard worse things… Unfortunately Jules took it upon herself to talk back to Bethenny at the Season 8 reunion and then we never saw Jules again.

Real Housewives of Atlanta – Claudia Jordan

I personally enjoyed Ms. Claudia Jordan when she came on board Real Housewives of Atlanta in Season 7. By this time, it no longer matters if the Housewives aren’t actually wives or even remotely involved with a significant other. Claudia was friendly with Kenya Moore and didn’t mind receiving information as long as you were willing to receive it back. No one figured that out faster than OG NeNe Leakes during a cast trip to Puerto Rico that went down in shade history. Queen NeNe was used to being the HBIC and Claudia simply was not phased by her greatness. After Claudia suggested NeNe had “ramen noodle hair”, NeNe told Extra TV after Season 7 that she probably wouldn’t be back unless a certain someone — a single cast member who is child-free (Claudia) was fired. And that was the end of Claudia. Allegedly.

Real Housewives of Atlanta – Kim Fields

I know what you’re thinking, Kim Fields wasn’t a great fit for Real Housewives of Atlanta and I agree. But Kim is an extremely successful and well-loved television star and it was such a fantastic get for the show. I had such high hopes that maybe, just maybe, she would have settled in a bit more with a second season. Unfortunately Season 8 of RHOA was, to put it mildly, complete madness. Kim was juggling her two very young children and trying to avoid the MULTIPLE sins that were going on around her at every moment. Her husband, Chris Morgan was christened “Chrissy” by several of her co-stars because he was skilled in musical theater. Kim wanted to lend her directing talents to Cynthia Bailey and her collection of sunglasses, only to be low-key threatened by Cynthia’s scorned BFF Kenya. But the Miami cast trip really shook poor Kim to her core. Being a child actor in the grueling Hollywood scene must have been nothing compared to random basketball players getting drunk and guests being bodily thrown about the living room. After the reunion, Kim quietly packed up her business and went home.

Real Housewives of D.C. – The Entire Damn Cast

Talk about one and done! These ladies basically set fire to the entire show. Real Housewives of DC was one of the more anticipated branches of the franchise. Money, glamour, politics, what more could we ask for? I guess we could have asked for a second season of the show. Unfortunately cast member Michaele Salahi and her… odd husband, Tareq Salahi had to go and blow it for all of us. The series starred Mary Amons, Lynda Erkiletian, Cat Ommanney, Michaele, and Stacie Scott Turner – but Michaele was definitely the wild card. Her lifestyle seemed almost suspicious and her husband was DEFINITELY suspicious. The Salahis breached a 2009 White House dinner and were asked to leave by security. It caused major problems for Bravo and for the first time in Housewives history, the entire show was axed. Michaele went on to elope with the guitarist from Journey, so I guess things worked out for her in the end.


[Photo Credit: CJ Rivera/Getty Images]