Bristol Palin Tells All In Memoir: ‘I Lost My Virginity While Drunk’

Bristol Palin and Levi Johnston

Bristol Palin is telling it all, revealing she lost her virginity to ex-boyfriend Levi Johnston while she was drunk.

Bristol, 20, makes the shocking revelation in her upcoming memoir “Not Afraid of Life: My Journey So Far.” In excerpts from the book, Bristol reveals she was drunk off wine coolers when she lost her virginity to baby daddy Levi during a camping trip. It gets even worse as Bristol also says she didn’t remember a thing when she woke up the next day alone in her tent.

And shorty after their first time, the two were intimate again. Bristol also states she was shocked to discover she was pregnant back in 2008 because she was on birth control pills prescribed to treat her cramps. She took eight home pregnancy tests in order to believe she was indeed pregnant.

Levi’s reaction, according to Bristol, was it “better be a f***ing boy.” Her parents were however very supportive though she adds that her mother Sarah Palin was shocked as she wasn’t aware she was sexually active.

There’s more Levi bashing as Bristol refers to him as a “gnat” who is “constantly spreading false accusations against our family.” Bristol also refers to Levi as a self-involved slacker “who cheated on me about as frequently as he sharpened his hockey skates,” citing he constantly came home drunk with hickeys on his neck.

All interesting because Bristol reconciled with Levi less than a year ago back in July when they announced they were engaged once again. Bristol however ended things less than a month later after Levi informed her he might have gotten another woman pregnant. “I’d just made a complete fool of myself and given my family the middle finger,” writes Bristol.

Bristol’s memoir is set to be released on Friday. Levi’s memoir (yes he also has one in the works) titled Deer in the Headlights: My Life in Sarah Palin’s Crosshairs will be released this fall.