Big Brother’s Dominic Briones Talks Eviction & New Twist Is Revealed! Plus Mike “Boogie” Outed?

Big Brother 13 Dominic

In what appears to be a trend to eliminate the strong members of the Newbie alliance on Big Brother, 25-year-old Dominic Briones found himself the latest Houseguest to be voted out.

In a new interview with DigitalSpy, Dominic reveals his true feelings about Danielle, whether he regrets aligning with her, and of course what he would have done differently in the game. Excerpts from his interview below –

You shared a flirty relationship with Daniele – if you’d stayed longer, would you ever have taken that further or was it more of a friendship than anything else?
“No, I would have not taken it further in the house because in there you can’t tell how someone really is. Although Daniele seemed like a great person in the house, you never can tell how people really are while you are in there.”

If you could play the game again, would you do anything differently?
“Play with the veterans sooner and not stick with the newbies during the first two weeks of the game. I would have aligned with the vets and started cutting newbies from the beginning.”

You accused your fellow newbies of being “spineless jellyfish” as they’ve yet to make bold moves. Do you wish that you would have kept a lower profile for the first few weeks in the hope of seeming like less of a threat?
“Yes, if it was possible to keep a lower profile with the group of newbies that were there I definitely would have done so. But coming into the game just being a young, athletic male partnered with another male made me a target from day one.”

You were going to go along with the plan to backdoor Jeff, but did you really see him as your biggest competitor in the game? If not him, who posed the biggest threat?
“No, I saw Brendon and Rachel as the biggest competitors in the game. But you never want to take out the number one targets because that makes you the biggest target. So taking out Jeff would have split up the veteran alliance and given me a chance to actually gain some numbers and some power.”

Moving on to tonight’s new episode when the new twist will finally be revealed by host Julie Chen! And just as suspected, it is indeed to bring back one of the eliminated HGs! There was a slight glitch on the CBS website yesterday which showed fans the new twist. While CBS has since deleted the link, a screenshot (posted below) was captured by “Big Brother” fan site Hamster.

This twist is however different from past similar twists. The viewers will vote for one of the soon to be four eliminated HGs to return to the game (Keith, Cassi, Dominic, or Jordan/Brendon). Whoever receives the most viewer votes will then have to go up against next week’s eliminated HG in some sort of challenge. Whoever wins that challenge will be back in the game! According to a poll done by BigBrotherLeak, Cassi is leading the votes on who fans want to see back in the game followed closely by Dominic. Brendon was also added to the poll and is coming in third. Will America vote the same way? Will be interesting!

And finally, Big Brother alum Mike “Boogie” Malin finds himself in some legal hot water today as one of his business partners, Shereene Arazm, is claiming Mike and his other business partner, VH1 reality star Lonnie Moore, “illegally siphoned away [money]” from the Geisha House, LLC restaurant group for years in order to “support their lavish party-boy lifestyles.”

The shocker however comes when Shereene alleges in the suit that Mike Boogie not only gambled away a lot of that money but also used some of it “to have multiple sexual encounters with various older men during which Malin would live out fetish role play fantasies.” Holy cow! Did she just out Mike Boogie? That would explain why he wanted nothing to do with Erica during the all star season no?

As for Mike, he filed his own lawsuit earlier this week alleging Shereene was trying to extort and blackmail him. Mike also claims Shereene had people hack into his emails and illegally tap his phone. Wowzers.


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