Jill Zarin Claims She’s Happy To Be Off RHONY! Being Considered For The Talk? Plus Ramona Slams LuAnn!

Just when we thought Jill Zarin was leaving the lime light… oh what am I talking about?! We all knew Jill wasn’t going anywhere!

After she just happened to be photographed hugging her fellow fired housewife Kelly Bensimon last week, the former sh!t-stirrer star of Real Housewives of New York is now claiming she is happy to be off the Bravo hit show! Sure you are Jill!

Jill tweeted: “Such great lunch with @kellybensimon as I walked home I passed by sonjas house and saw cameras. So happy it is behind me. So much ahead.”

A very brave and smart fan then tweeted to Jill that if she was tired of the so called “cameras” why didn’t she quit the show? Jill responded: “Maybe i did..but it doesnt matter. What is meant to be is how it is. I couldnt take stress and they knew it more than i did.” Just in case you’re wondering, she DIDN’T! Bravo fired her.

In other Jill news, an article appeared in Star magazine claiming she is in talks to join The Talk! (Thought she was tired of cameras?) After guest starring on the talk show, Jill told the mag, “I had a wonderful time appearing on the show, and it would be an honor and a dream to join such a respected, intelligent and successful group of women.”

While Jill has high hopes of being included in cast of respected, intelligent women (so far removed from the cast on RHONY!) her rep claims it’s not official! “She’s considering several exciting opportunities and we hope to make an announcement soon,” he explains.

Unfortunately for Jill a source close to the show debunks the rumors as completely untrue! “She’s not being considered as a replacement on The Talk,” the source scoffs. “There are lots of rumors that circulate, and this is one of them.” I guess we’ll have to wait and see!

In other RHONY news, Ramona Singer and LuAnn de Lesseps are up to their old tricks! Despite a recent report claiming the two had bonded over a HUGE pay raise, their statements to the press belie that idea! Following recent comments made by LuAnn, calling her “Ra-mean-a” and claiming that she wants nothing to do with her, Ramona is slamming LuAnn right back!

“I was quite surprised by LuAnn’s remarks I had just recently seen her at an event we were both invited to and she was more than friendly toward me,” Ramona snipes “In fact she was the one who came over to greet me,” Ramona claims.

Ramona then defaults to her old favorite of bashing LuAnn for commenting on her family (ummm.. Ramona does realize this works two ways, right?) “Luann seems to forget she attacked and went after my relationship with my husband and daughter. The reason I have a marriage of 20 years and a daughter who is an honors student is because I spend time with my family.”

I guess we’ll just have to wait and see how LuAnn retaliates next. I have to say all this drama between the two of them is making me believe next season of RHONY is going to be exactly like the last! Perhaps Andy should have fired SIX housewives! Well, seven if you include Simon!

Photo credit: WENN

Would you watch Jill on The Talk? Do you think she’s behind the rumor that she’s joining the cast? Are you tired of the Ramona-LuAnn feud? Or are you ready for another round on RHONY Season 5?