Big Brother 15 Live Feeds Reveal Hateful, Racist Comments; GinaMarie Zimmerman And Aaryn Gries Fired From Their Jobs


As a huge fan of Big Brother – and avid follower of the uncensored live feeds – I'm sickened by the racism, misogyny, and homophobia coming from the Big Brother 15 cast this summer week. Oy. I have to repeatedly remind myself that it's only the first week. 

Apparently, CBS/Big Brother has asked the houseguests to not make racial or derogatory remarks against others in the house, but that's the EXTENT of CBS/Big Brother's willingness to get involved. 

Whether or not the racial slurs make it to the CBS broadcasts of Big Brother remains to be seen, but in my opinion, hiding it exacerbates the problem. My guess, CBS will pretend the racism, misogyny, and homophobia inside the Big Brother house does not exist, which is unfortunate.



Aaryn Gries, 22, is a college student from Texas. Aaryn expects America to fall in love with her, and she went on Big Brother specifically to kick off a career in television. Unfortunately, she's a vile human being, spouting off either bitchy or racist remarks every chance she gets. 

About Candice Stewart, who is African-American, Aaryn said, "Be careful what you say in the dark, you might not be able to see the bitch" and "I want to put a washcloth over her face and pour water over it." Directly to Candice: "It's asked, not axed." About Andy Herren: "Andy will get MVP because people love the queers" and "No one's going to vote for whoever that queer puts up." About Helen Kim, who is Asian-American, Aaryn said, “Shut up, and go make some f–king rice.” 

The modeling agency that represents Aaryn has terminated her contract. "Aaryn, season 15 cast member of Big Brother, revealed prejudices and other beliefs that we do not condone. We certainly find the statements made by Aaryn on the live Internet feed to be offensive. Upon much consideration, we have decided to release Aaryn from her contract with Zephyr Talent."


GinaMarie Zimmerman, 32, is a pageant coordinator from New York. She, too, has said some rather disturbing things inside the Big Brother house. 

Referring to the two African-American houseguests, GinaMarie said, "The two blacks stick together," adding, "They're like tokens." GinaMarie also referred to welfare as "nig— insurance." About Helen: "She should be kissing our ass and serving us some f–king rice." About Candice: "Candice is on the dark side because she already is dark" and "Candice's blackness is showing now that she's not on the block."

East Coast USA Pageant has fired GinaMarie as a result. "We have never known this side of GinaMarie or have ever witnessed such acts of hate and racism in the past. We are actually thankful that this show let us see GinaMarie for who she truly is. We would never want her to be a role model to our future contestants. In a business where we are surrounded by beauty every day we are saddened to see something so ugly come from someone we put on a very high pedestal."


Sadly, Aaryn and GinaMarie are not alone, as several other houseguests are just as offensive. David Girton believes "black Candice" made his bed sheets dirty. Jeremy "I'll Cut A Bitch" McGuire sexually refers to women as meat lockers. Spencer Clawson freely calls women c-nts. Kaitlin Barnaby thinks gays are untrustworthy. Just to name a few more examples. 🙁 

Big Brother 12's Ragan Fox spoke out about the issue, saying, "It would be irresponsible to punt on this issue. What makes Aaryn’s homophobia and racism especially insidious is that it comes packaged in a bright-eyed, pageant-like exterior. I mean, how can somebody so sweet looking spew so much venom? Viewers would have to SEE it to BELIEVE it."

I could not agree more. If nothing else, I take comfort in the fact that the Big Brother 15 houseguests will have to live with this for the rest of their life, as evidenced by Aaryn and GinaMarie already being fired from their jobs.


Photo credit: CBS

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