Bethenny Frankel Says She Doesn’t Consider Herself Famous; Expects To Be Called The “B-Word”!


Oh Bethenny Frankel, the faux humble act is so unconvincing! 

With a new talk show to promote and a never-ending divorce to distract from, Bethenny is going back to her roots as the every woman cynic who anyone can relate to. I mean she totally can walk around New York without being mobbed by over-zealous fans and paparazzi. She's just sooooo normal and ish. 

"If I go to a street fair and someone recognizes me, I’m still surprised,” Bethenny tells NY Daily News. “And you know what? I hope that never changes. I hope I can always look at things that way.” What way – the way of pretending she doesn't call the paps to photograph her leaving her building every. single. day. Yeah, we know your agenda Ms. Pimping Out My Life On A Zillion Reality Shows!


Bethenny says putting herself in the 'famous' category is "too big a picture to think of myself like that." In her mind she's totally still your average gal! I mean it totally takes some getting used to that tabloids want to feature you when you spill your guts to every media outlet that will have you.

“Fame is a learning curve," Bethenny quips. Hypocrisy is obviously a learning curve as well. That and denial!

Referring to this year as "bittersweet", Bethenny isn't surprised that some people think of her as the "B-word". No, not brilliant, beautiful, or breathtaking, but b-i-t-c-h. Bethenny thinks it is the fate of women in power. Or bad bosses

"I can see where people might say that,” Bethenny acknowledges. “I think it happens to anyone in this position, though not as much to men as to women. I can't worry about it." 

Bethenny says her new talk show will prove she's just a good person trying to do good in the world by focusing on other's lives and telling their stories. The platform, she insists, will not be all about her. Um…. doubtful! Cause this is Bethenny we're talking about!

"I know I’m a good person. I’m trying to use this show to do good things," Bethenny insists. “If my guests are going to reveal themselves, I have to be honest, too. That’s the way we can help each other.”

Bethenny also explains what's different about a talk show vs. reality TV. The answer: she can control all the storylines. Oh, just kidding – no arguing is the answer! “That’s one of the things I really like about this show,” she describes. “It frees me from following reality-show plot lines, where you have to be arguing with someone.”

A preview of Bethenny's new show, which premieres Monday, is below! 

[Photo Credit: Twitter]


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