Mob Wives’ Big Ang Doles Out Relationship Advice With Her New Wine Line!


Mob Wives' Big Ang knows a thing or two about plastic surgery…and vino! Having just released a new line of wines, the "bigger is better" reality star celebrated the launch of her latest venture with friends and family at–where else?–an authentic Italian restaurant in New York City.

Known for her cannonball sized boobs and lips and her role as the voice of reason on Mob Wives, Ang is versed in all things tattooed, tanned, and cocktail related. She is also doling out advice on romantic relationships, which makes sense when you think about it. I'm sure Prosecco served in a bottle decorated with kiss marks and animal print can get anyone in the mood!


Cupid's Pulse is reporting on what inspired Ang to create her Big Ang Wines collection. The VH1 star explains, “I do own two bars; my family was in the bar business; and my mother and father were bartenders too. I just thought, ‘Bars, bartenders, wine — it all went together.’”

Describing her hectic schedule and crazy balancing act while trying to keep the spark in her marriage, Ang admits, “It’s hard. As you know, I have a husband, and he just comes along with whatever we do. He’s there for me. I also have a family who stands behind me, and someone needs to make the money! It’s all about the money."  Tell me about it, honey.

Ang continues, “I’m not home much, but it works! The less you’re with the husband or wife, the better. When you’re with each other constantly, you get under each other’s skin.”

Her best relationship advice? Ang shares, "The husband should always love you more than you love him.” And for those single ladies on the dating scene, Ang advises, “Don’t ask any questions and don’t tell them anything. Just enjoy the dinner and the drinks!” Hmmm…would Patti Stanger agree?


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