Kristen Taekman Says Ramona Singer Is Out To Get Her; Knows She Doesn’t Fit In With This Group


Kristen Taekman is fed up, y’all!  The Real Housewives of New York star has had enough of being blown off and scolded by her castmates and she’s not holding back anymore. 

Kristen took to her blog to blast Ramona Singer for attacking her when she tried to ask Bethenny about the scheduling issue for their trip. “Ramona is always just out to get me. So because Bethenny is going through a divorce, I am not supposed to ask her about the trip? I should wait and hear about it later through the grapevine? NO! Ramona, you don’t make the rules. I do what I want, and she needs to back the F up. I am so over Ramona and her opinions. She walks right into Lu’s event and immediately criticizes and attacks me about NOTHING. Whatever, nice comeback…“I’m dumb”… ohhh, haven’t heard that one before. She just rambles and rambles and rambles and stirs the sh– pot.”

Kristen shares that it was a juggle for all of the moms with young kids to get the trip scheduled and she won’t apologize for trying to get it figured out with Bethenny right away.  “Please keep in mind we are dealing with eight women’s schedules and, like Bethenny, both Heather and I also have small children. We need to do quite a bit of scheduling in advance in order to get away, which we had already done and now if we are going to change it again for her schedule, we need to know right away. I wasn’t trying to be rude, I was just cutting right to the chase, so we could figure it out sooner or later, and that is why I asked her right away about it. It’s crazy how everyone has to walk around on egg shells with her. I just wanted to find out the info sooner than later and didn’t realize it was going to cause a big emotional breakdown on her part. I have no idea all the stress and pressure she has in her personal life, but then again she turns her back on me and doesn’t speak to me, so how would I know? And BTW…she has no problem being rude or talking sh– to any of the girls, so #sorrynotsorry for just wanting to know what her plans with the trip.”

Kristen agrees that she doesn’t fit in with Ramona’s group and she’s just fine with that.  “Ramona, you have a history with these women–years and years of friendships. I am an acquaintance of yours, just met Dorinda, and have talked to Bethenny once for maybe a minute or two. I’m the first to admit I do not fit into your little group. That is clearly obvious, and that is just fine with me. I know where my place is and Upper East Side and downtown are two different worlds, and I’m fine staying downtown with my family and friends. I understand we have nothing in common. I am still merely a MILF and not yet a cougar or, in your case, a panther. So back up and keep all your damn comments and negative energy to yourself, because I am so over your lack of respect.”  Do you think Kristen is done with the show if she doesn’t feel like she fits with the ladies? 

I have to say that I’m kind of loving feisty Kristen! 


Photo Credit: Bravo TV

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