Big Ang’s Friends And Fellow Reality Stars React To News Of Her Death

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News of Big Ang’s death has spread quickly this morning and her friends, co-stars and fellow reality TV stars took to Instagram to share their tributes. 

Everyone from Sheree Whitfield to Drita D’Avanzo and Renee Graziano and so many more, the stars shared their favorite pictures and thoughts about the beloved Mob Wives star.   Big Ang was loved by all who met her and will be missed by so many. 

Karen Gravano captioned her Instagram snap with, “Completely heartbroken  this has been an emotional roller coaster for you, your family and the people that love you but throughout it all you never let this f***ing disease take your spirit.  You woke up every day and fought with amazing courage & dignity and looked beautiful doing it. Nobody knows the true definition of being tough until they watch someone fight the battle you just did.  I admire your strength and courage!!!! Right up until the very end you laughed joked and made sure everyone around you was OK. You have a heart of gold my friend. The amount of people that came together to support you speaks volumes of how much you are truly loved and respected.  You are an amazing soul and I am blessed to have had you in my life. Rest in paradise, Angel.  You will forever be loved & missed  #f*** cancer.” 

See the rest of the tributes below:



Completely heartbroken this has been an emotional roller coaster for you, your family and the people that love you but throughout it all you never let this fucking disease take your spirit …you woke up every day and fought with amazing courage & dignity and looked beautiful doing it… nobody knows the true definition of being tough until they watch someone fight the battle you just did I admire your strength and courage!!!! Right up until the very end you laughed joked and made sure everyone around you was OK…You have a heart of gold my friend The amount of people that came together to support you speaks volumes of how much you are truly loved and respected…. You are an amazing soul and I am blessed to have had you in my life…rest in paradise Angel you will forever be loved & missed #fuckcancer

A photo posted by Karen Gravano (@karengravano) on


Such sad news, gone way too soon. Rest in peace angel. #kisstheonesyoulove

A photo posted by Teresa Giudice (@teresagiudice) on


Such a beautiful soul. Rest easy baby girl. #RIPBigAng

A photo posted by Jenelle Evans (@j_evans1219) on


A beautiful person inside and out with such an amazing spirit. U will be missed…RIP Ang #RIPBigAng

A photo posted by Shereé Whitfield (@shereewhitfield) on


I will see you again one day my friend…I will miss every minute of u until then. I love you. #RIPAngela

A photo posted by Drita (@dritadavanzoladyboss) on


I have a heavy heart today. Rest in peace @bigangvh1 you will truly be missed. #bigang #mobwives

A photo posted by Countess Luann de Lesseps (@countessluann) on


IM GONNA MISS YOU YOU MADE THIS WORLD A BETTER PLACE GOD REST YOUR SOUL … AND TO EVERYONE SENDING THEIR CONDOLENCES THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR ALL YOUR LOVE .. #Repost @biggangvh1 with @repostapp ・・・ It is with sad regret that we inform you that at 3:01AM Angela Raiola peacefully ended her battle with cancer, and was called home. She was surrounded by nothing but love from her immediate family, and closest friends. YOU, (Her fans) were some of the most special people in her world, and she loved you immensely. Thank you for your love, prayers, and unconditional support of Angela right to the very end. She truly went out richer than any monetary value could ever amount to. The family asks for privacy, and peace during this most difficult time. In typical Big Ang fashion, we know she would say “Love you my babies!” This page will remain open as a celebration of who she was and will always be. It has been my esteemed privilege, and honor to represent her in the highest regard via social media. -Vinnie Medugno (@vinniemedugno)

A photo posted by Renee Graziano (@reneegraziano) on


RIP angel

A photo posted by Jenni JWOWW (@jwoww) on



Top Photo Credit: Instagram