90 Day Fiance Before The 90 Days Recap: Private Eyes

Last night’s episode of 90 Day Fiance Before The 90 Days was interesting.  The desperation is real! You have to have just the right amount of delusion optimism to deal with some of these circumstances. I can’t understand how some of these people haven’t just walked away from these relationships. A green card can’t be worth dealing with some of these clingy and overbearing people.

Lisa Hamme and Usman Umar encounter an obstacle. Ed Brown and Rose enjoy some alone time. Stephanie Matto meets Erika Owens‘s parents. Avery Warner and Ash Naeck clash yet again.  Yolanda Leak‘s kids try to protect their mother. David plans an investigation. Let’s get straight into the recap!

Lisa, 52 (York, Pa.) & Usman “SojaBoy,” 30 (Nigeria)

90 Day Fiancé Before The 90 Days Recap: Private Eyes

When we last saw Lisa, she was storming off from Usman after he told her that he expects to lead their marriage as the man of the house. Umm… Ok, sure. Lisa is one of the most controlling women we have seen on this show, so I am not surprised she called him an idiot and left. After racing to catch up with her, Usman manages to calm her down before things get worse. Usman you are in DANGER! I don’t think you are quite ready for what baby girl Lisa will unleash on you in America. This woman has taken every opportunity to disrespect him and his friends. That isn’t going to magically change when they get married

Lisa and Usman go to the magistrate office to inquire about what is necessary for them to get married. She is furious when she finds out, that no one informed her she needed a copy of her divorce papers before she arrived in Nigeria. Now they only have three days to figure out how to get the paperwork and get married before Lisa returns to the U.S. Secretly, I hope they miss the deadline. We weren’t able to save poor Michael Ilesanmi from Angela Deem, maybe there is hope for Usman to escape Lisa’s tyrannical clutches.

Ed, 54 (San Diego) & Rosemarie, 23 (Philippines)

90 Day Fiancé Before The 90 Days Recap: Private Eyes

How many times are we going to be forced to see Ed in either a bathing suit or his underwear? TLC are you trying to traumatize your viewers every episode? All I could do was laugh, so I didn’t cry when the scene opened with Ed frolicking in the pool with his child bride girlfriend, Rose. When they sit down to talk, he finally decides to come clean about not wanting any more kids. Rose is shocked by his admission, but wants to give him time to change his mind. Ed makes it clear that he doesn’t intend to change his mind, he already has an appointment for a vasectomy schedule.  To emphasize his point, he states “I only have enough love and MONEY for you and Prince.” Girl, you may want to rethink your plan. If you’re coming to the US to be draped in Gucci and gold, then you may have to accept the household maximum.

90 Day Fiancé Before The 90 Days Recap: Private Eyes

Ed wakes up to find Rose missing after revealing he doesn’t want to have children with her, the night before. She reappears after taking a walk to think. Rose is hurt and feels deceived that Ed didn’t tell her the truth before coming to the Philippines. I don’t know what happened during that walk, but she comes back with some sass. She begins going down a laundry list all of Ed’s lies and the times he has embarrassed her. Whew, Rose is mad! I guess we will see if she is mad enough to end their relationship or this is a ploy to get him to agree to the children that could solidify her future paychecks.

Stephanie, 29 (New York) & Erika, 24 (Australia)

 90 Day Fiancé Before The 90 Days Recap: Private Eyes

Erika is nervous to take Stephanie to meet her parents and reveal she is bisexual. As much as these two argue, I don’t think I would be unveiling Stephanie to anyone else in my life. I still can’t believe how badly things went when she met Erika’s friends. Hopefully this interaction doesn’t end in screaming in crying.

When Erika finally confesses her sexuality to her parents they reassure her they don’t care, as long as she is happy. They are more than welcoming to Stephanie and the idea of her being their daughter’s girlfriend. This was such a nice moment. I am so glad that Erika was able to receive nothing but love and acceptance from her family.  Maybe this will give Stephanie the courage to come out to her parents one day. I highly doubt it will be any time soon though.


Yolanda, 51 (Las Vegas, NV) & Williams, 40 (England)

90 Day Fiancé Before The 90 Days Recap: Private Eyes

Yolanda’s children do a reverse image search on Williams’s pictures. They discover they are stock photos that are being used all over the internet. Surprisingly, Yolanda seems like she is beginning to realize that she is being catfished. SMH… Just when I thought this woman was starting to come out of denial, she decides she still needs to hear Williams side of the story. OMG! I have never wanted to scream “JUST, LET IT GO” in someone’s face, so bad.  Her naivety is just annoying, at this point. Even Williams is tired of this woman. He has tried everything in the Catfishing for Dummies textbook to get rid of her.


Geoffrey, 41 (Knoxville, Tenn.) & Varya, 30 (Russia)

90 Day Fiancé Before The 90 Days Recap: Private Eyes

90 Day Fiancé Before The 90 Days Recap: Private Eyes

After spending the night camping, Varya Malina takes Geoffrey Paschel for her idea of a spa day. The day consists of being naked, beating each other with bushes and then jumping in the lake to cool off. I have no idea of any of that was relaxing, but it was extremely entertaining to see Geoffrey get beaten while wearing nothing but a bucket hat. Varya pretends she is really thinking about whether she truly wants to be with him. As long as someone is handing her a green card and a promise of a new life, she is all in. She may just get that wish, after a nice getaway, Geoffrey decides to propose to her. After two weeks of accusations and virtually no chemistry, they have suddenly become soul mates. Insert side eye emoji here. We will have to wait until the next episode, to see her response. I’m sure it will consist of feigning shock and then crying tears of happiness that she no longer needs to live in that construction zone she calls a house.


Avery, 32 (Seattle) & Ash, 38 (Australia)

90 Day Fiancé Before The 90 Days Recap: Private Eyes

Avery is still in the process of interrogating Ash about his sexist ideologies presented at the seminar. Although, she thinks her line of questioning is an attempt to get know him better, he feels attacked. Chile, Avery is like a dog with a bone. When she grabs a hold of an idea, she can’t let it go until the other person admits it. Even after Ash apologizes, she is still extremely upset.

90 Day Fiancé Before The 90 Days Recap: Private Eyes

The next morning you can cut the tension with a knife. They have been fighting ever since that disastrous seminar. In a post interview, Ash gets emotional and admits he feels torn down by Avery. When they sit down to talk, he tells her he feels like she is heartless. Either this guy is extremely sensitive or he is a classic manipulator. I truly can’t decide which one; it may be a bit of both.  Ash packs his bags and leaves the house after both of them claim they are done. Avery was supposed to meet his ex-wife and son later that day, so either this is horrible timing or an easy out for him. I don’t believe Ash ever wanted his ex to speak with Avery in the first place. But with the way she interrogates people, I can’t really blame him. I just need these two to break up already.


David, 60 (Nevada) & Lana, 27 (Ukraine)

90 Day Fiancé Before The 90 Days Recap: Private Eyes

David has returned home, but still is unsettled by the lack of closure between him and Lana. He meets with one of his friends and shares he is hiring a private investigator to find her. When he tries to convince David to let go of his fake relationship, he becomes extremely defensive. David is the perfect victim for a catfish. He is a little crazy and willing to spend all of his money on a dream. This guy has flown half across the world multiple times and has never met this person, yet he keeps coming back for more. If a person stood me up once, I would be done with them.

David invites his friend Victoria over to translate for the Ukrainian private investigator he hired to find Lana. Once again, he wasted his money to be told the obvious, he is being scammed. Lana has several dating accounts under different names with the same photo. He refuses to believe that his precious Lana would do anything like that. Apparently the woman who has stood him up four times is more trustworthy than the man he has paid to find out information. SMH… David is clearly obsessed. He probably has a blow up doll in the closet with her picture glued on the face.


Darcey, 45(Connecticut) & Tom, 39 (England)

90 Day Fiancé Before The 90 Days Recap: Private Eyes

90 Day Fiancé Before The 90 Days Recap: Private Eyes

After slamming the door in Tom Brooks’ face, Darcey Silva is ready to completely close that chapter of her life. She decides to mail his key back to him in the UK. Meanwhile, he is still walking around New York aimlessly talking badly about Darcey. He stops at a bar and calls his new girlfriend. Tom clearly has a type, middle aged bleach blonds with lip injections. He tells this woman he feels sorry for Darcey. Why, she left you looking stupid not once, but twice. This guy is so delusional it’s ridiculous! Can someone please pass me the remote, so I can fast forward? Ugh, I thought we got rid of them.




[Photo Credit:  TLC]