(Photo by: Stephanie Diani/Bravo via Getty Images)

Summer House Martha’s Vineyard Episode 5 Recap: The Newbs Bring a Different Party

We’re back for the back and forth of Summer House Martha’s Vineyard. We left off with Bria Fleming and Silas Cooper quarreling. “House Battle Royale” as Preston Mitchum puts it (he’s a voice of reason). As a reminder, this feud is over Silas and Jasmine Cooper agreeing to Bria’s boyfriend, Simon Marco staying over for a week and not understanding that’s what they’ve agreed to. It goes left, and Silas is now venting saying it’s about him defending his wife. Headscratcher.

Bria calls Simon and she basically says, ‘do you want to see how mad I am?’ She is foaming at the mouth with the mac n’ cheese, broccoli, and fries she’s eating in bed. Nothing says I’m hungry like a petty squabble.

Love, lewks, and libations

Jason Lyke just got here today and is a breath of fresh air. He suggests a conversation and “move past it.” Points for sanity. Instead, Jasmine calls a house meeting at a college-esque toga party. You can’t make this stuff up. This is a 15-day vacation and this must be our third house meet.

Preston interrupts and says, “can we just take a shot?” That’s it, change the subject. Darn, but it doesn’t work. Silas says vote on guest timelines and then you can turn up (spoken like a true dictator). Jason says it best when he realizes he’s on Survivor: Bravo. “Now we doin votes?”

We learn a little bit about Jason and Summer Marie Thomas and hopefully it’s going somewhere in the reality department. The ladies decide to go to a “celibacy brunch,” and at the very least – they look fly. At the brunch, Jordan Emanuel is basically saying she’s not ready for a few things and a relationship. And Mrs. Married For a Hot Second wants to have a convo with her about it. Because “she cares.” Summer gives us some more depth, and clearly she was going through it in a past relationship. However, Alex Tyree is intrigued with her.

They have a Jamaican night planned, per Summer with a private chef whose shrimp sizzles. And the night actually goes smoothly, leading to Drink or Dare.

The game starts with Summer rubbing up on Nick Arrington (with the secret GF) and now he’s in the pool. Amir Lancaster is supposed to give Jordan a striptease next. Is this part of Amir’s dating playbook? Because she’s not with it. Preston is supposed to kiss Bria and he’s known just what to do. He knows all, har har. And last, but not least the actual couple setup – Alex and Summer at 10:45pm on a “Tueeesday.”

The group divides on the next outing. Most of the men go to eat, and talk the ladies and babies. The women, plus Silas and Preston shop and Jasmine has the convo she foreshadowed with Jordan. She’s sure her friend wants a man, but Jordan throws it out there – why isn’t she enough? To live a life for her and not in pursuit of a partner? Jordan says Jasmine is projecting. Ding, ding, ding.

Back at the house everyone is getting ready for dinner Simon’s arrival and the lewks are on point. Jasmine and Jordan both recap their conversations. Jordan repeats back her same point (to Preston). Makes sense, right? Jasmine exaggerates for effect (to hubby) and puts it back on her being the married one and everyone taking it as judgement. Nope, Jordan told you she never caught any judgement from you. Jasmine’s out here trying to walk before she can crawl, and dragging her friends behind her.

Santa Simon is here

Simon comes bearing gifts and dripping (just a little bit) and everyone’s eyes light up. He’s seriously bringing good energy, but everyone might be more caught up in the exterior than the man. Silas says his new Versace watch is a wonderful peace offering. $1200 and this man is sold. Seriously, last night Bria was questioning Silas’ character, and now they are hugging like close family. I need some gummy bears for this.

Before we leave off, Silas finds a way to tweak the convo to two individuals finding their way together. And Jasmine admits to struggling and is in tears. Maybe ease up on the ‘I have all the answers’ outlook and then you will find your answers, girl.

Overall, the episode is more cohesive, we’re starting to see them find their strides a bit. But how will the show progress from here? And with a week of the vacation remaining.

Watch Summer House Martha’s Vineyard on Bravo on Sundays nights at 9/8c.