Reilly Smedley, Big Brother 25
(Photo by Sonja Flemming/CBS via Getty Images)

Big Brother 25 Veto Ceremony Spoilers: Who Won and Was the Veto Used?

The first week of Big Brother 25 is underway, and fans are wondering what happened with the Power of Veto. As is often the case, the answer can be found on social media, thanks to the show’s live feeds. So, who won the Power of Veto in Week 1, and was the Veto used to take one of the two nominees off the block? Here are all of the answers.

Who won the Power of Veto in Big Brother 25, Week 1?

Hisam Goueli won the Power of Veto in the first week of Big Brother 25.

This week’s Head of Household Reilly played in the Veto competition, alongside nominees Kirsten and Felicia. Player picks were Blue, Bowie, and Hisam. With Reilly confident she could get the votes to send Kirsten home, with Felicia as a pawn, the HOH wanted things to stay the same. Hisam said he didn’t want to rock the boat, but did anybody’s campaigning sway his decision?

Did Hisam use the Power of Veto in Big Brother 25, Week 1?

Hisam did not use the Power of Veto during the first week of Big Brother 25. This means that Kirsten and Felicia are the final nominees, and one will be evicted from the house.

Sticking to his word, Hisam left the Veto unused. While Kirsten is trying to campaign to stay in the house, her eviction seems like a done deal. Still, stranger things have happened in Big Brother.

Some fans have been calling for the eviction to be canceled altogether, following an incident in which Luke Valentine, another Houseguest, said the n-word. CBS is yet to take action against the player, who is still in with a chance to win the $750,000 grand prize.

Big Brother continues Sundays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays on CBS.


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