Bozoma Saint John is ready to show up and show out via the latest season of Real Housewives of Beverly Hills. This fashionable legend will provide us with looks for days in Season 14, but her strong eye for fabrics and pieces of flares are not her most remarkable attributes. Instead, Bozoma, aka Boz, also carries around a badass resume, which has grown all the more impressive with each passing year. From Netflix to Uber to where she stands now, this Hall of Fame-inducted marketing executive is the living definition of a boss b*tch (in only the best possible ways). To show you what we mean, check out everything Boz has accomplished since her career commenced in 2000 while doing your best to tell yourself that you are also doing great, sweetie.
Shout out to Boz’s LinkedIn account for the following details and dates.
2000 – 2004 Bozoma Saint John is appointed Senior Account Executive at Spike Lee’s ad agency, SpikeDDB

My first job post-college sucked, but this Wesleyan University graduate started her marketing career with Spike Lee’s advertising agency, SpikeDDB, so, not bad, Boz.
Boz landed her first job at this agency out of sheer resilience, aided by generous friends who allowed her to couch surf her way around New York City as she spent her days calling up temp agencies from nearby pay phones. Her efforts paid off in the form of a receptionist gig at SpikeDDB, where she offered to provide notes on the script for Bamboozled after she spotted Spike carrying the script around the office. Throughout her tenure at Spike DDB, Bozoma worked her way up the ladder to her eventual resting spot as the Senior Account Executive.
2005 – 2009 Bozoma Saint John transitions to a Senior Marketing Manager role at Pepsi-Cola North America

In 2005, Bozoma parted ways with SpikeDDB. She got recruited to PepsiCo via a former client and decided to take this next leap of faith for the sake of her career. This client believed in her skillsets even though Boz did not possess an MBA, which this job initially required. But, sure enough, this client laid their eggs in the right basket, as Bozoma shined in a Senior Marketing Manager position with PepsiCo.
Bozoma managed multiple brands in PepsiCo’s portfolios, which include way more than sodas. PepsiCo also owns various chip brands, bottled waters, and also juices. These early moves helped Bozoma snag a meatier role within this organization several beats later (more on that in a second).
2009 – 2011 Ashley Stewart appoints Bozoma Saint John as their Vice President of Marketing and eCommerce

Bozoma stepped into the fashion world next, working with the fashion and lifestyle brand Ashley Stewart. I have already seen many clips online for RHOBH Season 14. Therefore, I know that Bozoma loves to dress like anything from a Hunger Games star to a corporate baddie, and she never arrives anywhere underdressed, making this next career step track.
Ashley Stewart is an American-based, plus-sized women’s clothing brand founded in 1991. The name of this organization merges the vibes of Laura Ashley and Martha Stewart, who the owners upheld as icons for upscale American women. Bozoma worked at Ashley Stewart for over a year, holding the title of Vice President of Marketing, like a money-making icon.
2011-2014 Bozoma Saint John steps into the Head of Music and Entertainment Marketing role at PepsiCo

When Boz joined Ashley Stewart, she kept her hand in the PepsiCo cookie jar. It paid off.
In 2011, Boz left Ashley Stewart and gave her full attention to PepsiCo, where she was appointed Head of Music and Entertainment Marketing for this caffeinated beverage giant. At PepsiCo, Boz worked hard to engage the consumers as she introduced this organization to music festival-based marketing.
On Instagram, Boz shared how she fought behind the scenes to help secure a deal for the next decade with the NFL. This deal went through, which meant PepsiCo, aided by Boz, owned the Super Bowl Halftime Show for this period. But Bozoma wanted more, and she had her sights set on Beyoncé.
Sadly, the NFL saw this as a risk. The last time they had a Black woman on their halftime stage, a nipple emerged. But Bozoma refused to back down, and PepsiCo listened. All hail Bey and Boz.
2014-2017 Bozoma Saint John joins Apple as the Head of Global Consumer Marketing, Apple Music & iTunes

After almost a decade at PepsiCo, Bozoma closed this door and opened another. In 2014, she joined the fine folks at Beats Music. They recruited this future RHOBH star for her unique skillsets in music marketing. This new job venture, however, saw Bozoma needing to relocate from New York City to Los Angeles, but she did not mind, as she was now able to lead all marketing efforts for this company.
Apple acquired Beats shortly after. But they kept Boz, who became the head of global consumer marketing for iTunes and Apple Music. This promotion meant Bozoma had to start commuting between Los Angeles and Apple’s Cupertino headquarters several times a week. But again, all was well, as Bozoma is a workhorse who never backs down from a challenge.
Buzzfeed noted that Bozoma was the “coolest” person an Apple keynote stage had ever seen.
2017-2018 Bozoma Saint John becomes the Chief Brand Officer at Uber
Dearest Bravo stars who like to drink, Uber is your friend. Uber is also yet another employer to be blessed by Bozoma’s presence.
On June 6, 2017, Bozoma became the Chief Brand Officer at Uber. In an interview with VOX, she explained why she made this career move. Overall, she wanted to help usher in changes for Uber, as this company was riddled with incidents of sexual harassment and raised eyebrows.
Bozoma partnered with the human resources team to right their past wrongs. To do this, Bozoma demanded that more women and people of color get hired. Following this, Uber did as instructed, filling their teams with a more diverse staff.
It’s official. I love Bozoma.
2018-2020 Bozoma Saint John joins Endeavor, working as their Chief Marketing Officer

In 2018, Bozoma became the Chief Marketing Officer for Endeavor. Endeavor is a global sports and entertainment talent agency with roasters that include film, television, music, theater, digital media, and publishing stars. Endeavor also reps the NFL and NHL and is the majority owner of the World Wrestling Entertainment (WWE) and the Ultimate Fighting Championship (UFC).
I cannot talk about sports (unless it’s an unserious conversation). I do not know how. But Bozoma can. Her marketing efforts and strong ability to speak to all audiences helped push Endeavor to greater heights.
Yet, Bozoma also worked hard to help shut down scandals. This skill set will help her once she joins the cast of RHOBH.
CliffsNotes: Bozoma helped lead a “crisis” branding project for Papa John’s Pizza after the company’s founder used racist language during a conference call.
Ugh. But, well done, Bozoma.
2020-2022 Bozoma Saint John becomes the Chief Marketing Officer at Netflix

Yes, Netflix, we are still rotting on our couches. But also, Netflix, you made an excellent call when hiring Bozoma in 2020. Boz was the third CMO for this company. However, she was the first Black C-level executive that Netflix ever hired, making her not only the first but, hopefully, THE ONE who brings changes to the future of this organization.
At Netflix, Bozoma led various campaigns during the COVID-19 pandemic, and she also had a hand in that “tu-dum” sound that plays whenever their flicks start playing in ads. Bozoma also integrated Netflix with the WWE to help promote The Walking Dead. And if that isn’t enough, she also created immersive experiences for shows like Stranger Things and Money Heist.
Meanwhile, I can’t handle more than one task at a time. Bozoma, you are beyond legendary. I cannot wait to see what you bring to RHOBH Season 14.