Welcome to the Real Housewives of Salt Lake City Season 5, Episode 13 recap. Last week, tensions among the women were running high (so, the usual). Bronwyn was still mad at Angie for telling her to “shut the f*ck up” at Camp Kumbaya. Britani was upset with Angie for calling her a slut. When things escalated to tears at Meredith’s bat mitzvah, she did what Meredith always does and threw Angie out. Keep reading to see exactly what went down on Real Housewives of Salt Lake City Season 5, Episode 13: “Rooms for Improvement.”
What happened on Real Housewives of Salt Lake City Season 5, Episode 13?

In this week’s episode, Angie and Meredith are both still really upset about the way things ended at the bat mitzvah party. Mary finally confides in Angie about what’s going on with Robert Jr. And the ladies fly to Puerto Vallarta, where they fight endlessly until at last Meredith and Angie reach a place of kumbaya. Here are some of the highlights from RHOSLC Season 5, Episode 13.
Monday morning quarterbacking

At Meredith’s house, she’s testing scents for her bath bombs, but Seth wants to talk about the bat mitzvah situation.
“What the hell happened?” he asks.
Meredith explains that when she heard Britani was crying, and then Brit told her that Angie was “slut-shaming” her, she lost it.
“Last night was all about not having hate,” Meredith adds. “And slut-shaming is hate.”
“Angie’s behavior has been despicable,” she says in a confessional. “She can sit and cry that she was thrown out of a religious event in which she shamed another woman. But I don’t know why Angie is so consumed with Britani’s sex life. I think it’s weird. Leave her alone.”
Meredith goes on to tell Seth that Angie’s “mean-girl behavior … triggered the hell out of me. I’m not down for it.”
Meanwhile, over at Angie’s, she and Shawn are talking about the same subject. “That was a fun night,” Angie says sarcastically.
“I haven’t stopped crying since Meredith kicked me out of her event,” she interviews. “It was cruel, it was demeaning … It’s really embarrassing.”
Angie doesn’t seem to remember that Meredith threw her out because she was slut-shaming Britani. Angie does like to go for the low blows.
“How am I supposed to go to Puerto Vallarta with her?” she asks Shawn.
Mary confides in Angie about Robert Jr. on Real Housewives of Salt Lake City
Mary taps gently at Angie’s glass door, getting no response. When nobody comes, she just pushes the door open and calls, “Angie, I’m here!” Doesn’t Angie have a doorbell in her big, fancy house?
When Angie finally shows up, she nearly has a heart attack when Mary says, “Peek-a-boo!”
Angie brings out a charcuterie board and sets it on the coffee table. Mary says, “I probably won’t eat anything ’cause I don’t have an appetite, but it’s beautiful.” I love a nice charcuterie.
Mary says, “I’ve had a rough day.” She knew something was wrong with Robert Jr. When she asked him to tell her what was going on with him, he spilled everything.
“He opened up to me,” she says, tearfully, “and just said, ‘Mom, I did drugs.’”
“He told me, ‘At one point, I didn’t want to live,’” she tells Angie. But his mom was “’the reason I stayed alive.’”
Those have to be the most terrifying words any mother can hear, and my heart breaks for her.
Trying to make sense of it all, Mary blames herself, but it’s not her fault. He just went down the wrong path and got lost. Thank goodness he finally reached out to her.
“That could happen to anyone,” Angie says. Angie knows that addiction is a disease because she experienced it with her mother.
“Whatever I have to do [to get him help], I’m gonna do it,” Mary says in a confessional.
She asks Angie to keep her family situation private. She wants to come on the Mexico trip, but she needs to make sure her family is taken care of before she can go. Get that child into rehab, Mary. ASAP.
Flying commercial to Puerto Vallarta

Three days later, everyone arrives at the airport for their flight to PV. Unlike Bronwyn’s trip to Palm Springs on the PJ, this time they’re flying commercial.
“I’m really excited for this trip,” Heather interviews. “With airport security everywhere, everyone seems to be on their best behavior.”
“You would never know that Angie and Britani can’t stand each other,” she continues. “Meredith and Angie aren’t speaking. Whitney and Lisa basically hate each other. Thanks, TSA! We’re off for a great trip.”
Bronwyn recounts a horrific experience she had at the dog park. Some guy left his dog unattended while he sat in his car and made a phone call. Meanwhile, the dog attacked Bronwyn from behind, biting her calf and her arm. She had to have stitches. That’s awful. I hope she gets his information and holds him accountable.
The ladies tell her that Chanel and tequila heal everything, so she’ll be fine in Mexico.
In PV, Lisa reserved two villas at a resort. Each villa has four bedrooms. In the first villa are Lisa, Meredith, Heather, and Britani. Villa number two will house Bronwyn, Angie, Whitney, and Mary, when she arrives. What the heck ever happened to Meili? She just kind of disappeared. Maybe somebody should put her picture on a milk carton.
The only one who isn’t happy about the sleeping situation is Bronwyn.
“I’m so f*cking furious about this,” Bronwyn says in a confessional. “Lisa is my closest friend in this group, so I know when Lisa’s sending me a message. I’m being put in my place, and I need to claw, beg, and plead my way back into Lisa’s good graces. She might have to plead her way back into my good graces after this snub.”
Bronwyn feels Lisa is not being a friend to her on Real Housewives of Salt Lake City

Before dinner, the ladies have poolside drinks. Everyone is happy with their rooms, except for Bronwyn, who says she’ll be the “contrarian.”
“You and I are the longest friends,” Bronwyn says. “And you put me in a villa with two people who aren’t speaking to me … You and Britani are newly friends …”
For some stupid reason, Britani interjects, “Well, maybe she likes me better now.” Yikes. That was uncalled for.
“Britani doesn’t even realize that she’s a pawn,” Whitney says in a confessional. “She’s just a message that Lisa’s trying to send to Bronwyn. Like, ‘I’d rather have Britani than you.’ And that is the ultimate [FU] to Bronwyn, and Britani doesn’t even f*cking get it.”
Of course, Lisa gets defensive and tries to justify her room assignments. Bronwyn explains, “I don’t have a problem with the room. I have a problem with what’s happening between you and I.”
Bronwyn may be a little brusque, but I do admire her honesty. She tells people what she thinks and doesn’t try to sugarcoat it. You will always know where Bronwyn stands.
“You know, Lisa, I can have a great time,” she concludes. “But I can also tell you how I f*cking feel, and you can be a mature enough person to hear it without trying to tell me I’m wrong.” Amen.
Can’t we all just get along?

When the ladies are seated at their table and Angie finds Meredith’s returned gift in her chair, it all goes even further downhill. Everybody’s yelling at everyone and Britani makes herself even more unlikable by trying to pretend she’s in the popular group. Ugh.
I feel so sorry for the waiter, who comes over and tries to take their dinner orders while everyone is screaming at each other. Lo siento mucho, señor.
When Britani tries to play the victim, Angie says, “You started it, Britani.” Because she did.
“Honestly, it was [Britani] who started the ‘slutty’ conversation,” Bronwyn admits.
“Let me give you the timeline,” Bronwyn interviews. “Britani called Angie a slut first, outside to me at the bat mitzvah. Then I told Angie that Britani had said it to me, and Angie ran to Britani and said it to her. Meredith only heard that small part of it.” Got it?
“I’ll just make it this simple,” Bronwyn concludes her confessional. “Britani said it first, Britani said it meanest. I like Britani the least, so she’s the most in trouble.”
To the group, Bronwyn says, “Honestly, it went too far. Angie was wrong to say Britani looked like a porn star …”
But Angie just can’t help herself and yells, “Let’s not insult f*cking porn stars right now.”
Finally, Meredith admits she was triggered when Britani came to her crying, and she is sorry for the way the night ended. Angie says she is, too.
Yay! It’s Camp Kumbaya in Mexico, y’all!
The Real Housewives of Salt Lake City airs Wednesdays at 8/7c on Bravo.