After Peacock dropped three episodes of The Traitors last week, having one episode this week just doesn’t feel like enough. Maybe we’re just greedy for more murder. Don’t blame us.
Alan and the cast covered a lot of ground in those first three episodes. Two Housewives were murdered. Wells and Tony got banished, and poor Robyn narrowly survived all of the mayhem.
When we last checked in on the four Traitors, they were tasked with creating a shortlist for their next murder, but they had to deliberate in plain sight. In The Traitors Season 3, Episode 4, “I Will Bury You Under the Sand,” we find out who the Traitors picked, and who got the nail in their coffin.
What happened in The Traitors Season 3, Episode 4?

After the chaos of the first three episodes, Episode 4 kept the momentum. Three Faithfuls entered coffins, and only two made it out alive. After mourning their loss, the players cashed in more coins in a mission. Then, a throwaway comment from Bob the Drag Queen kicked off a series of unfortunate events that led to a bloodbath at the roundtable. Let’s get into the details!
Three coffins, one nail

Thankfully, this episode began right where we left off, with Gabby stumbling upon the Traitors having a secret little meeting behind the bookcase. She heard Danielle’s voice but didn’t know what to do. Fearful of getting confronted, she scurried away to save the information for later.
Gabby wasn’t alone in feeling suspicious of the Traitors that night. The rest of the Faithfuls could tell that something was happening. They just didn’t know what it was, and when Alan announced that three of them were getting put into a coffin, their jaws hit the ground.
Alan read the names: Jeremy, Nikki, and Ciara were selected for the shortlist. In a flashback, Boston Rob tells the Traitors it’s like getting three kills in one. No matter who dies, the other two are going to have heat on them.
Before shutting the coffins, Alan gave the three players a chance to speak their last words. Honestly, this might be the first time Ciara has spoken this entire time, and she pleaded for another chance in the game. Jeremy, however, decided to go for a different approach and made a plea to the Traitors.
“Y’all know I’m trying to find you, but if you keep me, I’ll work with you,” said Jeremy from his coffin.
A breakfast full of suspicion

The next morning at breakfast, the surviving players gathered for breakfast like they would after any other murder, only this time, there was a buzz in the room about what happened last night. Everyone knew The Traitors were up to something right under their noses. They just didn’t know who was a part of it.
Gabby revealed to Robyn and Dolores how she heard Danielle behind the bookcase. It’s hard evidence, but for some reason, no one wanted to believe her. We, on the other hand, think everyone should be listening to the Bambi alliance.
When Danielle came into breakfast, Robyn activated Housewives mode and helped Gabby confront her about the bookcase. Unfortunately, that argument fell flat. Danielle, Dylan, and Bob all had excuses for going behind the bookcase, and they explained their way out of it. So close, Gabby! So close.
Who got murdered in The Traitors Season 3, Episode 4?

As the breakfast continued, we learned that Jeremy became the third victim of the Traitors. In a flashback, we see that it was all Danielle’s idea. Once again, no one listened to Carolyn, and she balled her eyes out in a confessional interview for betraying her Survivor “family.”
At this point, the Survivor players are going down just as quickly as the Housewives. The only difference is that the Housewives walked away with their heads held high. Just like Tony, Jeremy had a seriously emotional reaction to getting kicked out of the game.
“I thought I gave a good enough reason to keep me,” Jeremy said in a tearful exit interview.
Nikki and Ciara come under fire

Although Nikki and Ciara were spared, the Traitors put huge targets on their backs when they put them in the coffins. Boston Rob predicted this would happen, and sure enough, the suspicion quickly spread.
In one corner of the castle, Wes was spinning a theory about how Nikki’s pro-wrestling background would lend itself to the theatrics required to be a Traitor. Even Boston Rob started to latch onto that idea, because why not?
One person who was not thinking about the Nikki theory was Dylan. He said he was still on Bob the Drag Queen’s case, even though his first attempt was a little “misguided.” That’s when Dolores slyly remarked that she had the same feeling. She just wasn’t ready to say it in front of the group.
Like a real detective, Dolores made a poignant observation about Bob’s behavior. She said he seemed “deathly afraid of getting caught,” and now, we have Paterson New Jersey’s finest on the case.
Stonehenge from Hell

This week’s challenge, once again, showed the gender divide throughout the cast. Appropriately nicknamed by Gabby as the “Stonehenge from Hell,” the players were required to carry giant statues up a hill, with each completed statue banking them $2,000.
The twist came in when the players realized that each person had a head representing them, and if their head made it on a statute, they’d win a shield.
Immediately, all of the muscle bros plus Sandoval started grabbing their heads to line themselves up to win shields. Meanwhile, some of the ladies were struggling to get their pieces up the hill, and rather than discussing who would get a shield, it just turned into a matter of first come first serve.
The players that wound up without a shield were Ciara, Carolyn, Nikki, Ivar, Sam, Robyn, Gabby, and Derrick. They won the full $20,000, but when Alan, asked the players about their strategy, Bob the Drag Queen’s mouth finally caught up with him.
“I did think that one of the new guys needs a head up there because we all think one of them might be a Traitor,” Bob blurted out to Alan.
The music intensified, and you could see steam rolling off of Boston Rob’s head. He was not happy, and on the way back to the castle, he started plotting against his fellow Traitor. He told Wes it was time to go for “the head of the dragon.”
Bob the Drag Queen got Boston Robbed

Fueled purely by his frustration with Bob, Rob started tiptoeing around the castle to stir up support for kicking the RuPaul’s Drag Race star out of the game. He said the Faithfuls needed some blood, and he was ready to give it to them.
At the roundtable, Rob was just waiting for it to go down. Wes tried to have a moment with Nikki. Derrick tried to take a shot at Ciara for being too profane. It was quite odd, so Boston Rob had to take control.
With complete confidence, he accused Bob the Drag Queen of being a Traitor, and Bob’s reaction was priceless. His face cracked, and it’s an image we’ll probably see in museums someday.
Bob tried to defend himself, and then Dylan chimed into the argument. He started commending Bob’s acting skills, and said, “I grew up with an actor,” to which Bob replied, “Not a good one.”
With every word Bob said, you could feel him losing the room. Truly, it was a fall from grace that will go down in Traitors history, and when the votes rolled in, Bob got the boot. He became the first Traitor banished from the game, but he definitely won’t be the last.
With Boston Rob taking such a confident stance against Bob, he’s putting the “sus” on himself. Wes is onto him, and his fellow Traitors know they can’t trust him.
New episodes of The Traitors premiere every Thursday at 9/8c on Peacock.