Preview Real Housewives of New Jersey: Joe Giudice Threatens Joe Gorga, Plus Ashley Holmes Defends Dad!

A new episode of the Real Housewives of New Jersey is set to air tonight, and once again it’s Giudice vs. Gorga!

However, it’s not Teresa Giudice and Melissa Gorga fueling the drama this time around, but rather Joe Giudice. In the preview clip below, Joe Gorga reveals his brother-in-law sent him a threatening text message asking him not to come to Teresa’s book signing. Teresa was the one who invited her brother and Melissa by the way.

According to J. Gorga, the text read: “So nice of you and your fake wife to support your sister tonight for the first time. Yous are so fake it makes me ill… I’ll break your jaw. I’ll wire it shut.” J. Gorga also adds that Joe referred to him as a word that was bleeped out in the clip. In another preview clip, it sounds like J. Giudice might have used a gay slur that begins with a letter F. Not certain on that however. No word yet on how Teresa’s going to try to clean this one up.

Also coming up on the 15th episode this season titled “Black as Ink,” Caroline’s pride spills over when her two sons set out to launch their bottled-water line. Meanwhile, Lauren’s grand opening for her cosmetic venture brings Jacqueline together with her daughter.

The episode airs on Bravo at 10/9c and a preview clip is below!

In other RHONJ news, a week after it was revealed her dad and step mom were arrested on charges ranging from arson to money laundering, Ashley Holmes is once again defending her parents.

Earlier this year, Matt Holmes Texas home caught on fire garnering him a $429,000 check from the insurance company. Months later, cops revealed a “credible witness” came forward stating Matt started the fire with kerosene and gasoline. Investigators had already suspected arson so Matt was arrested for arson, insurance fraud, and money laundering while his wife Jodi Holmes was arrested for money laundering as well. You can read more about that here.

Ashley, who has now decided to start going by Ashlee, posted the following on her twitter page yesterday –

“As most of you know my dad &step mom are going through a VERY hard time right now.. they are not allowed to comment on anything at this time.. but those of you that are close to us know the truth.. the media is eating them alive and of course are saying MANY things that are untrue.. It’s so hard not to be able to tell our side of this, but we will soon! We’re leaving it in Gods hands now & we know that everything will be ok…Please keep our family in your thoughts and prayers..xo thank you.”

Meanwhile, as we reported earlier this week, Ashley has moved to California! She made the move days ago and later blogged that she got an internship. “I have an internship waiting there for me with Buzznet & Celebuzz. I recently formed my own LLC. I’m currently working on my own clothing line that I hope to launch by 2012. I am working on building my own website… I am also writing a book,” she wrote.

Fans of the show who keep up with the RHONJ on twitter noticed this week that most, if not all, of the cast took a trip to California. We have to wonder if this has anything to do with Ashley. Only time will tell as Bravo is currently filming the 4th season of the show.

And finally, Ashley made the following tweet just moments ago about former RHONJ star Danielle Staub: “LOL guess who keeps trying to contact my boss @LizzieGrubman BEGGING her to rep her…. ? what a joke #clown #notgonnahappen.” The drama never ends.