Are Bravo Sweethearts Andy Cohen and Bethenny Frankel in the Midst of a Major Feud?

It's like a Bravo break-up…or is it?  There is a lot of gossip swirling about a feud between a neurotic former non-housewife from Real Housewives of New York and a certain Bravo front man who has basically made said woman into what she is today—with multiple spin-offs.  Jill Zarin knows what I'm talking about, right?

There is news that Bethenny Ever After star Bethenny Frankel is biting the hand that once fed her.  And that hand is attached to a man who will one day be my biffle for life.  Ride or die.  Perhaps when he stops engaging in housewives of past drama, he'll have more time to cultivate a friendship with me.  A girl can dream, can't she? 

So according to the interwebs, Bravo main man Andy Cohen isn't feeling the love from the woman–and empire–he had a hand in creating.  That has to hurt!  Many media outlets are reporting that Bethenny is turning her back on the network and the man who made her into the ultra-skinny multi-millionaire she is today.  Again, somewhere Jill is laughing her butt off…while trying to secure a new contract for the upcoming season.  Heather who?  Holla!


Radar Online is reporting that a rift has formed between former Bravo besties Andy and Bethenny.  A source tells the site, "Bethenny has basically completely snubbed Andy. He has asked her to do his show multiple times over the past year and she has refused because she wants to distance herself from the housewives franchise. Andy is very hurt by Bethenny's actions because he made her a star by badgering Bravo to give her a spin-off which was enormously popular. Once Bethenny formally signed the deal for her own talk show with Telepictures, she kicked Andy to the curb, never to look back. Andy thought Bethenny would always be loyal to him, but he realizes he got used by her."

Ouch!  I'll never leave you, Andy!  In fact, I've got 90 pages left in you memoir.  I've laughed, I've cried, I've been inspired…perhaps I should take ol' Beth's place on your speed dial?  The same insider continues, "He has done so much for her, and not just TV wise. During the launch of Skinnygirl Andy proudly promoted it by featuring it as a prop on his show for over two years! Yes, Bethenny is extremely talented but for her to turn her back on Andy is just disgusting. What goes around comes around, Bethenny is on top of the world right now but that might not last. Andy won't be able to forget how quickly she ditched him once she got her own show."

Gahh!  The drama!  The cut-throat nature of it all!  We're seeing the seedy underworld of Bravo that I wasn't quite sure existed!  Of course, Andy is quick to debunk these rumors.  WHY?  I'd like to think the chatter is true.  It's not that I don't like Bethenny.  I have no thoughts about her one way or the other.  However, for the sake of good television, I'd like to think Bethenny would throw Andy under the bus for her own personal gain.  Mainly, I'm hoping her bitchiness would open up Andy for a glorious relationship with yours truly. 🙂

Alas, even if discord exists, Andy won't admit it.  He tweeted last night, "Sorry folks, DID invite me on her show & she's coming on mine in a week. What else you got?"  Well, if nothing else, these events should make crossover talk show history!  Personally, I think that Andy and Bethenny are tighter than ever…and that's okay.  Andy has a big heart.  There's totally room for me!


[Photo Credit: Twtitter}