Teen Mom 2 Season 8 Premiere: New Faces and Moldy Places

Welcome to season 8 of Teen Mom 2! Some things haven’t changed at all, like Jenelle Evansattitude long standing feud with mom Barb over custody of Jace and love for all things drama, but there are plenty of other changes going on with the cast from new babies to new teen moms joining the show in the form of Briana DeJesus.

Speaking of, Briana is already familiar with Kailyn Lowry’s now ex-husband, Javi Marroquin after meeting a few years ago. We get to see some footage of their friendship in action when Javi drops by her dressing room after a taping of the Teen Mom 2 after show. Javi flirts good naturedly, saying Briana’s mom was trying to hook them up but that won’t work now since Briana is pregnant with boyfriend (?) Luis. She flips her hair and smiles back but goes on to say that things are going really well with Luis and they plan on moving in together. Oh, and she’s having another girl.

Surprise, a baby wasn’t in the plan for Briana when she met Luis at a club and she found herself pregnant about a month later. Since they didn’t even really know each other, Briana contemplated abortion, but decided ultimately that she wanted to continue the pregnancy. Plus, Luis seems to be excited and supportive. Key word here: “seems” but more on that later. As they watch Nova ride her bike, Luis attempts to pay Briana a compliment by saying she looks good for being pregnant. Because I guess when you’re pregnant, you’re expected to look like crap?


Despite sucking at compliments, Luis is older, 31, and already a dad, so the family has high hopes for him. Well, at least higher than Nova’s dad, who is barely even around. Unfortunately, those high hopes are short lived when Briana goes out to lunch with her friend, Shirley. There are already rumors out there that Luis is cheating and Shirley heard something from her cousin, saying a friend was sleeping with him. Briana doesn’t really even act shocked, just says she doesn’t want to overthink it. Come on, girl, when are cheating rumors ever not true when you’re on Teen Mom? She must have heard me yelling at my TV, so she comes to her senses and decides to get to the bottom of it by texting the girl from Shirley’s phone. She gets a response, but it’s to talk on the phone and we are left wondering what’s going to happen next. My guess is that this chick is Luis’ side piece and has been for quite some time. That didn’t really take much of a crystal ball on my part and the previews for next week, with a crying Briana talking about adoption seem to confirm the worst.


Kail is still going to college and also, a divorce. But one quick trip to Javi’s divorce attorney and it’s finally all over. They are officially divorced and when Javi calls with the news, she jokes about having a party. They seem to be getting along much better, even exchanging a friendly kiss at drop off but now would be the perfect time to get divorced from your husband since you’re pregnant with another man’s baby. But don’t ask Kail to talk about it – not only does he want nothing to do with the show, but she doesn’t want any of her relationships on camera at this point.

While Kail is in school, Javi agrees to watch both Isaac and Lincoln, which is nice since Isaac seems to really miss Javi and Jo is fully supportive of their continued relationship. But Javi has just found out he is likely going to be deployed again and is feeling emotional about it. When Kail Facetimes him, he tells her and gets zero reaction, causing her to snap, “what do you want me to say!?” Javi hangs up and starts to get teary and in the sweetest moment of the night, both boys come to comfort him in his moment of need.

Leah Messer is finally doing her own thing and started college. That means she now has to wake up extra early to get the girls to school. As she tries to figure out where toothbrushes are and has to sub listerine for brushing, they hustle out of the house in the dark and rainy morning. Luckily, by the time she gets to campus, the sun is shining and Leah is in the best mood. She can’t even contain her smile as she sits down in English 101.


Chelsea Houska is due with baby number two in a few weeks and Aubree is really excited to have a little brother. Both Chelsea and Cole seem so relaxed and happy, as usual. But one thing that has remained a permanent smudge on their happy lives is Adam, who is still seeing Aubree every other weekend. He has yet to catch up or start paying child support.

Chelsea hosts a diaper keg party to celebrate her impending arrival and everyone has fun eating fancy cupcakes and chugging beers from baby bottles.

Chelsea and Cole sit down to discuss a birth plan and don’t get very far since Chelsea wants to make sure Cole knows that women poop during labor. Cole is prepared and good thing, because the next night, her water breaks and she goes into labor. Just like that, baby Watson has joined the family and he’s adorable.

Chelsea and Cole discuss birth plans and Chelsea tells him that women poop during labor. Cole is prepared. The next night, Chelsea’s water breaks and she goes into labor. Adorable baby Watson officially joins the family.


Onto Jenelle and the chaos that is her life. She isn’t talking to her mom because Barb still refuses to give up Jace and the resentment is just festering at this point. But that’s not the only thing festering – so is mold, in Jenelle’s house. So she and boyfriend David Eason have to high tail it out of there. The only problem is, the modular home they ordered for their land isn’t ready and they have to move to another rental. Obviously, this would cause stress on any couple but now throw in Jenelle being really pregnant and Kaiser being a typical toddler and their move has turned into a complete sh*t storm. They argue over Kaiser breaking a Christmas decoration, they argue over who is going to grab him when Jenelle doesn’t want to bend down and needs to pee, they argue over how they are going to get out of the house. What don’t they argue about? Sadly, the kids look so used to them yelling at each other in front of them.

Once it’s confirmed that the house has mold, David’s friends come over to help them move into their other rental and this is the first I’ve seen that David has friends. Anyway, Kaiser throws a fit because well, he’s a toddler and that’s what they do. But Jenelle is incapable of making a decision on how to handle the situation and instead of just taking him to the new house like David suggests, she continues to whine and moan about how she can’t manage him.

The guys are nowhere close to being done and Jenelle barking orders at them from the couch surprisingly didn’t speed up things, so Jenelle and David have now missed the window to get the keys from the realtor’s office. Jenelle throws a fit because now she has to stay in a hotel for the night and they get to screaming at one another again. Jenelle locks herself in the bathroom to cry as David yells and tries to get in, all while holding Kaiser but she just keeps slamming the door in his face and sob.

Finally, Jenelle puts on her best PINK sweat pants and pair of Uggs to drag Kaiser to the car and go to a hotel. David is annoyed that now she wants to go but she yells that she needs space from him. Once at the hotel with Kaiser and a packed car, Jenelle sits in the parking lot, hate texting David about how he’s like her ex-boyfriend (which one?). He hate texts back that maybe she shoul be with him then. A producer comes over to talk to Jenelle and when Kaiser gets too loud, Jenelle leaves him in the car to stand outside and bitch in peace.

She’s overwhelmed with being pregnant and having no one – no friends, no boyfriend and no mom to lean on. She feels like Barb is at home with Jace, happy as a clam and not caring that Jenelle can’t have him. It’s obvious how much this situation is wearing on Jenelle and in this moment, I actually do feel bad for her.


Photo Credit: MTV