Jake Pavelka narrowed down his bachelorettes to his final 2 last night on The Bachelor and there is a major contrast between the two remaining women.
His final pick will be either the always sweet and happy 25 year old Tenley Molzahn, or the controversial 23 year old Vienna Girardi. In a new interview with E! News, the host Chris Harrison is now promising us Jake’s final pick will be a shocker. “I know for a fact Jake is happy with his decision,” says Chris.
You Can Read More About Tenley & Her Ex-Husband Here!
“As far as everyone’s opinion,” Chris says when asked about the winner, “I will steal a line from Jake. He has said, ‘I will shock people, I will disappoint people,’ but he did what he feels was right, and I totally support him. Good for him.”
You Can Read More About Vienna Here! and Photos of Vienna Here!
Chris also defends Vienna, who has gotten a bad rep both on and off the show. “I think Vienna has a bit of a bad rep,” he explains. “I think she was put behind the 8 ball in the beginning, because when you are one on the front-runners early on, there is a target put on your back. So, there is competitiveness, there is jealousy from the other girls. But in the other girls’ defense, I don’t think Vienna went out of her way to fix that problem. She even stoked the flame a couple times. And so by the time she tried to apologize and make things better, that ship had sailed and it was just too late.”
SPOILER – Do not highlight the sentence below if you do not want to know who wins the show.
The winner of the show is indeed Vienna Girardi. RealitySteve.com revealed this spoiler weeks ago, and so far has been accurate in all his spoilers for this season. So there you have it, Vienna is Jake’s final pick. No word on if they are still together.
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