Preview The Real Housewives of New York City Reunion Part 1!

Good news for Real Housewives of New York City fans as tonight is the long awaited part 1 of the reunion show. Even better news? Andy Cohen announced today that the two-part reunion show will now be a three-part show! “We’re leaving very little of the reunion on the edit room floor,” said Andy.

So part 1 will air today, part 2 will air Monday night, and the final part will air next Thursday. Another change to Bravo’s schedule is the move of the hit show Watch What Happens to Monday night, starting this coming Monday with guests Ramona Singer and Dina Manzo. This is perhaps a hint that Dina is the New Jersey housewife leaving the show.

Back to the reunion news, the ladies will of course hash things out tonight and a preview clip of Alex vs. Jill is below.

In other NYC news, it seems Jill Zarin continues to be in panic mode as she realizes with only one week left of the NYC Housewives, she is still highly hated disliked by the show fans. First Jill tried to repair her image by attempting to befriend Bethenny again, that failed, then she tried attacking Alex, that failed as well, and as we reported last week, she tried playing the victim card by revealing to her fans via facebook/twitter that she was being threatened by two families, and of course that failed as well. And by family, does Jill mean Nana and the baby are threatening her too? Well let’s all hope Jill will clear this up for wondering fans.

The latest act by Jill, who was revealed as having hired 4 media consultants in last week’s UsWeekly issue, is to try to save defend the non too sane Kelly Bensimon, while also playing the victim role once more.

In a new interview with PEOPLE magazine, Jill, who continues to do more damage everytime she opens her mouth, claims Kelly was indeed picked on by the four other housewives on the infamous St. John trip. And it doesn’t end there, as Jill also says she can relate to Kelly because she, just like Kelly, was also picked on by the four women (Bethenny, Ramona, Alex and Sonja).

Excerpts from Jill’s interview below –

What’s your take on what happened there with Kelly?

I wasn’t there but I spoke to Kelly on the phone and she was definitely having a hard time. She felt that the girls were fighting with her and picking on her. She’s not a fighter. She can’t express herself in that negative way; she just can’t defend herself.

Do you really think they were bullying her?

You know, I wasn’t there but I can tell you that what I saw on TV looks like four against one. It’s bad. It was bad because they did it to me when I got there. As a firsthand witness, when I walked in and I felt that energy of hate on me, and that only lasted about 10 minutes, if Kelly was experiencing that for four days, systematic bullying, no matter what you call it, is not okay.

So according to Jill’s distorted view, it was four against one and Kelly, who was shown being antagonistic to all the women, was the victim. Also in last week’s issue of UsWeekly was a rather odd picture of Jill holding hands with Kelly while walking the NYC streets. The mag reported the picture was taken just days after the filming of the reunion show.

Must say it’s time for Jill to fire her 4 media consultants if their big plan for her redemption is advising her to align herself with Kelly, whom is considered pretty much insane by most fans of the show. What’s even worse than Jill’s odd attempt to defend Kelly is the fact that it’s likely not genuine and likely just another bad ploy to get the public to like her once again.

And since we’re on the topic of Kelly Bensimon, who continues to remain out of touch with reality, the latest comes in a new interview during which she brags about her highly ridiculed anti-bullying PSA video. “My bullying video has gotten over 80,000 hits [Note: 69,399, but close enough],” she says. “I’ve realized I have a voice I didn’t know I had. Mock it or love it, I’m making an impact.”

Priceless that the interviewer points out her video had gotten 10,000 less hits than what she claimed. Kelly also sees the upside in appearing like a lunatic on national television. She proudly proclaims that Episode 11—her meltdown episode—is the most downloaded iTunes show “and that’s awesome.”

Moving right along. Below is a preview clip of what is to come tonight as Alex and Jill can be seen getting into it.