Bethenny Frankel is making the TV rounds promoting her marital meltdown on this season of Bethenny Ever After. This is no surprise for the woman who apparently thinks nothing is sacred – not even taking a pregnancy test.
First up, Bethenny hit up The Tonight Show to discuss how her marriage was a mess during filming, but luckily things between herself and husband Jason Hoppy have improved. “[The] second year was way more difficult than the first,” Bethenny explained. “I was pregnant when I got married, so we were all excited about the baby and the wedding.”
“The first two years are challenging, but now we’re coming into a better rhythm. We got married older, so we are accepting each other now,” Bethenny adds.
Bethenny and Jason’s dilemmas certainly affected filming as we watched them go from happy and exuberant, to miserable and testy over the course of three seasons. Bethenny is admitting they were both at fault for the problems and have learned how to handle miscommunication. “I’m an initiator of arguments,” Bethenny confesses. “And he’s the escalator.”
“I’ll light that fire, and then there’s a big fire and I’m like ‘Oh my God, who put that fire there, what happened?'” Luckily the couple has been in therapy and they are learning how to treat each other.
And despite incessant rumors that the two are headed for a divorce, Bethenny insists that couldn’t be farther from the truth. “We’re together, we’re committed, we work on it, and we’re in love. And we’re in it.”
Unsurprisingly, Bethenny is giving credit to the infamous lost at sea-gate for their reconnection. The reality star appeared on Anderson with Anderson Cooper today where she once again insisted they were really, truly, honestly lost at sea and the Coast Guard really, truly, honestly came to their relief – or were at least called.
“We got on it at 6 at night, it was freezing, we were in Block Island, we were laying down, my husband got terrible sea sickness and all of a sudden I felt a big crash. A wave hit us and we were in 10 feet of water when we should have been in 150 or some big number of feet, and the GPS went out and the next thing you know I heard the captain saying, ‘Maria Cristina to the Coast Guard,'” she recounts of her harrowing experience of 15 minutes without a GPS. What did they do for centuries, I wonder?
Bethenny insists the episode was very real to her and regardless of the true severity of the situation, she was extremely nervous.”We were freaking out. We were with my camera crew and I was like, ‘Oh my God this is about them too.’ One of the guys can’t swim, we were panic stricken,” she insists.
“So, by the way, to hear someone say that it was fake was very insulting because I was freaking out. … the whole thing was horrendous.”
The positive of the trip was that she and Jason actually communicated and learned to rely upon each other. Maybe that was all part of Dr. Amador‘s evil plan? Maybe he faked getting lost at sea?! “The good news, we did not argue — my husband and I — we actually got along very well. No one blamed anybody for dragging them on this ship of fools,” Bethenny recalls.
Bethenny’s appearance on Anderson was not limited to discussing playing Gilligan’s Island, the former Real Housewives of New York star also talked the beginning days of appearing on the show and all the changes that made her want to leave. “Well, when we first started it was way more fun. When we first started it was called, ‘Manhattan Moms.’ It was a totally different show, I didn’t know it was ‘Real Housewives’ — I wasn’t even a housewife,” Bethenny remembers.
“Then as it went on, people become more knowledgeable about what the show is and they watch other seasons and other casts and there is a preconceived notion of how to act. That’s different then when I started, when I started it really was fun — it was a new adventure,” Bethenny explains, echoing what viewers have noticed in recent years seasons of the Housewives franchises.
She admits she is glad she signed on, and of course, had some serious success because of her involvement. “I do have a respect for, well respect’s not the right word, I have a nostalgia for the five of us that started together. It did create so many opportunities for all of us and I can remember back to when it was me, Jill [Zarin], The Countess, Ramona [Singer].” What about Alex McCord – did Bethenny just block her out?
Bethenny also talked her own reality television guilty pleasure – Jersey Shore! “Well, I don’t even know why I do because it gives me anxiety,” she reveals. “I’m like it’s just so filthy … You couldn’t give me $10 million to lay in that smoosh bed, much less smoosh in that smoosh bed.”
While discussing reality TV, she had a very real mishap of her own! Bethenny managed to traumatize the audience when she full-on mooned them; revealing her hot pink panties during a dance contest with Anderson. For once, I don’t think was a plug for Lazy Lingerie or Skinnygirl Shapers or whatever it is she’s pimping now – I think it was a legitimate “Oops” moment and she handled it with dignity. Hey, at least she wasn’t wearing a thong! A clip of Bethenny’s intimate exposure is below.
And speaking of being shipwrecked, a new episode of Bethenny Ever After airs tonight where we will see Bethenny and Jason get lost amongst the waves during a therapeutic sailing trip to Block Island.
Bethenny Ever After airs tonight on Bravo at 9/10c.