BBW’s Tami Roman Blames Editing On Looking Like A Bully & Talks Suzie Drama; Royce Reed Talks Tami & Shaunie Birthday Drama!

Oh, good gracious! When the most recent season of Basketball Wives began, only Royce Reed served as a regular blogger for VH1. Of course, as the drama unfolds, the women can’t seem to stop writing on their own blogs in retaliation – each perceiving that they must, no matter what, tell their side of the story.

Case in point of late? Tami Roman. Her latest blog is entitled “It’s Not My Job to Blog BUT I’m Going to do it Anyway.” Well, if that doesn’t say it all, I don’t know what does…. In her blog Tami does what all those before her have done, which is to blame editing for her bad behavior! Excerpts of that insanity is below.

“Watching this episode made it official…it’s my turn to play the angry black woman. I don’t want to address [too] many things because I will see all of these ladies at the reunion and I’m much more of a face to face person, but here goes…

Suzie–I want you to pay for my next therapy session because that is what saved your life at that birthday dinner. You have a bad habit of saying the wrong stuff at the wrong time. Now, I have forgiven you for that brief glitch in your brain, but that is the absolute LAST time you’re going to get a pass. I do like you and I know you are “simple” at times, so I’m willing to put this past us.

Kenya–You hit the nail on the head and you know I think your ass is crazy, but you SAID that last night. I’m not a bad person, but I deal with people a certain way and I try to be upfront. I asked both you and Kesha to just come talk to me…you did that and she didn’t. I don’t respect a woman who isn’t forthright, especially at 30 something years old. Regarding your speech…girl go sit the hell down. That ish was crazy! You don’t even know Shaunie like that – you had been around her all of two times when you made that speech. It was supposed to be heartfelt, but you made it really awkward for her at her own party. Although, I hope they show you singing…now that was classic…

Jennifer–In the moment, your apology seemed sincere, but watching it back…girl, why you lie in my face…Sidebar: Your speech was comical. People really had to hear the whole thing because between you and Kenya, I have NEVER seen anything like it. You made a speech about yourself and tried to pass it off as something special to Shaunie. I hope VH1 releases the uncut version of some of these moments. I’m just saying…”

Sidebar, I am not a Tami fan (that’s not really fair to say, as I’m not really on board with any of these women), but I am glad to hear that Tami saw what I saw in Jen’s balcony “apology” to Tami, regarding Jen’s Lucid launch. Fake much? Jen needs some acting lessons.

“Royce and Kesha–That little meeting in the country store – again the main crux of my beef with Kesha was edited out. In that moment Kesha said she would’ve went off on me, but she didn’t want to embarrass me. I see where this show is going and I have to take the good with the bad. Kesha will be the “edited” version of a victim and I will be made to look like the angry Black woman or the bully. It is what it is because I accept full responsibility for my REACTIONS. Other than that, NO words, speechless…I can’t…”

When–pray tell WHEN??–will these women stop blaming editing? You aren’t edited when you act like a fool, why should viewers believe that somehow, some way, you’re kindness and normalcy has been edited OUT of the show? Gracious. Again and again, gracious.

“Evelyn–Your face was priceless last night! Now here is the thing…you nor I handle things properly once we get heated….That clutch to the dome was funny as hell though. Your aim, the precision…chiiiilllleeeee.

PS- Shed and the editors, whatever Kesha is paying you, I’ll double it just so the viewers can get the truth. I can’t wait to see how you screw me over with the Tahiti footage.”

I do love to see how Tami and Evelyn’s friendship has blossomed…it’s like the girls in high school who try so hard to get in good with the girls who they know can bring them down if they aren’t careful. Remind me again that these are grown women? Tami challenging the editors? Yikes!

Giving Tami’s frenemy Royce Reed equal blog time, she has some choice things to say as well. Royce is actually extremely diplomatic in her blog, admitting that she was wrong in judging Evelyn’s intentions when it came to Kesha and touting her friendship with Tami…strange after the pair’s most recent debacle. She even takes offense to Suzie’s “bank account/food stamps” comment on behalf of Tami. My favorite outtakes follow:

“Jen, there are bougie country girls. That statement was a bit much and I’m sure a lot of people in the Carolinas aren’t feeling you right now. Not sure if you watch RHOA but Phaedra is the epitome of a bougie country girl…love herrrrr!!!

Next the conversation I had with Tami shows the strength in our friendship. Although Tami is upset with me presently, I don’t think it’s that serious. I came to her and expressed my feelings. If we are friends, I should be able to talk to her about any and everything including when I think she’s wrong. The conversation didn’t seem to go anywhere but I didn’t leave with scars and bruises so it still went well. It’s good to be able to agree to disagree, laugh it up and go to Lario’s for some ceviche right after.

Now enough of the cookie cutter stuff…It’s time to discuss The Birthday Dinner…dun dun dunnnn

OMG! First of all who let Evelyn have all those shots of liquid courage??? Y’all know how things get when people get a few drinks in them. This whole dinner was a mess. From the toast Kenya didn’t need to give to the second toast Evelyn gave slurring her words. I’m just shocked that they did all this in Phillipe Chow! But seriously though, did Jenn call Evelyn a bird? Did Evelyn tell Jenn to take the contacts out her face???? LMAO “I can’t” No, it wasn’t the time or the place to have all this drama but it was funny! When the yelling started it was definitely time to leave…BUT not without a memorable exit. All I have to say is HOW IN THE HELL DO YOU ALLOW YOURSELF TO GET HIT BY A CLUTCH PURSE???Never turn or keep your back turned to an enemy…and you damn sure don’t stay sitting when they’re standing up coming towards you. We need to get Jenn is some basic self defense classes. I’m going to need her to at least learn how to bob and weave…just sayin…”

I do have to add my two cents…was Royce watching Jen react to Tami in regard to the Lucid launch? Nothing was resolved and I don’t think anything was “cleared up.” But I do have to agree, as a Carolina girl, Jen has no clue what she’s talking about when she brings up “the country.” I’d be happy to show her around. If nothing else, these women are incredibly entertaining, and I am looking forward to the rest of the season!

Royce also posted an old school picture of pal Kesha, and let’s just say, you want to see this! That photo is below.




An old school photo of a younger Kesha Nichols!