Kim Kardashian Tries To Steal Eva Longoria’s Boyfriend! Kris H Dating A Kim Look-A-Like! Plus PHOTO: Kendall In A Racy Bikini!

Nary a day goes by without some Kardashian drama. Which is unfortunate for all of us, really. In the latest, Kim Kardashian continues with her sneaky, skankerific ways!

Despite recent gossip that she has been linked to Kanye West, it appears Ms. Whoredashian just cannot limit herself to one man – girl needs options. And she is making a play for her friend Eva Longoria‘s ex-boyfriend, Eduardo Cruz!

According to In Touch Weekly (via their print edition), Kim developed an attraction to Eduardo (who also happens to be actress Penelope Cruz‘s brother) and has started distancing herself from Eva in order to pursue him – even missing Eva’s recent birthday party. Eva and Eduardo called things off a few weeks ago and Kim has been on the prowl ever since. She’s been sending him flirty texts and sexy photos of herself – and she’s been trying to plan a secret romantic getaway to Mexico!

The Keeping Up With The Kardashians star supposedly met Eduardo at a party in Las Vegas before her wedding and was instantly attracted to him. Eduardo even attended her nuptials as Eva’s date. Unfortunately for Kim, Eduardo isn’t interested in being her flavor of the month and he is hoping to rekindle things with Eva instead.

Moving on, Kris Humprhies is, well… moving on! The NBA star reportedly has a new girlfriend – and she’s anything but famous – although she does resemble someone he was once married to who also happens to be famous.

Kris has reportedly started dating 28-year-old Toronto nurse Bianka Kamber – who is his also ex-girlfriend from his days of living in Canada. Kris wasn’t ready to settle down two years ago when the two were together, but now things have changed.

OK! is reporting that the ex-couple has rekindled things and Kris is hoping it gets serious. “Bianka was his first love,” an insider reveals. “She’s a very down-to-earth, sweet girl. He admits he wants to win her back.”

After seeing the two ladies, it’s definitely fair to say the Kourtney & Kim Take New York star has a type! “He thought I was a lot more attractive than Kim,” Bianka reveals. Another similarity seems to be the number of “K”s populating their names. Can we get a new alphabet letter, already…

And Kris is attracted to the fact that Bianka doesn’t try to control him the way his ex-wife did! “Bianka lets him do what he wants and she doesn’t really stress out that much,” the friend shares. “Kris can be the man in the relationship, wear the pants. He really got his ego messed up when he was with Kim; he just kept feeling so emasculated by it all.” Photos of Bianka are below. I smell a total famewhore with this one!

In other Kris H news, he is still refusing to sign divorce papers and instead is continuing his fight for a public trial and annulment – despite Kim making him a “generous” divorce offer.

E! News is reporting that the paperwork has been ready for months, but Kris is holding out in the hopes of getting a larger chunk of the Kardashian change! “There is a fair offer on the table,” a source explains, “but he just won’t sign it.”

“Kris is dragging it out,” the source says. “Kim is ready to move on, but Kris is hoping that stretching it out will get him even more money.” Reports are claiming that Kris wants $7 million from Kim in exchange for his silence and his promise to never speak of their marriage to the press.

Kim wants to buy his silence – but not for that much! “Kim never considered signing something like that,” the insider claims. “Kris can’t take the time to consider [her] offer, but he finds time to do an interview with a tabloid magazine.”

Kris feels he is owed money – particularly after all the stunts the Kardashians pulled post-wedding and the alleged $17M Kim earned for their nuptials. And if she wants the dissolution of their marriage to happen quickly, he wants her to pay up!

Kris’ attorneys have not commented on the latest allegation.

And finally, Kendall Jenner continues to prove that she has zero supervision while Kris Jenner runs around pimping and Bruce plays with helicopters. The sixteen-year-old famewhore in training, is wasting no time posting racy photos of herself on twitter for attention. Hey, she learned from the best!

Kris J’s second youngest paycheck posted a picture of herself in a skimpy bikini under the caption “miss summer!;” which prompted a whole host of inappropriate and raunchy replies from her followers – many of whom don’t seem to remember that she’s a minor.

Reports have speculated that Kris and Bruce’s marriage is in serious trouble over Kris pushing their teenaged daughters to be sexy in the spotlight. Perhaps there’s more truth to that than we think! The photo of Kendall is below.



Wanted: Parental Supervision. ASAP. Mom? Oh, you’re on the red carpet with Kim…

Bianka on the right [Photo Credit: @BiankaKamber]

Bianka again, (on the left) – she certainly loves to party! [Photo Credit: @BiankaKamber]


Bianka and Kris in happier times!