Exclusive Source Says Fame Has Changed Teresa, Claims Jacqueline Wants to Leave RHONJ!

Remember when they were the closest of friends?  I guess reality television really does change people, and that is evident when you look at the relationship between Real Housewives of New Jersey’s Jacqueline Laurita and Teresa Giudice.  Reality Tea has an exclusive source who is close with all of the ladies in the Garden State franchise.  Our insider, who wishes to remain anonymous, says that with Jacq, what you see is what you get, but Teresa has allowed fame to go to her head.

The sources tells us, “Jacqueline is one of the nicest people you will ever meEt. She is a true friend and has a heart of gold. She is a sweetheart. She is 10000% real.  Teresa is the exact opposite. She competes with anything breathing… Kim D. and her are not as close as you think. Kim D. uses Teresa for the exposure Teresa gives her store. Kim D. liked Melissa and even asked her to walk in her fashion show the 1st season they were on. Teresa told her to pick a side and Kim. D. picked Teresa’s side. All the ‘true’ friends Teresa ever had are no longer friends with her. Now, she claims Kim D., her makeup artist, and other random people are her best friends. Teresa only is friends with people she feels she is above or she can use.”


The source continues, “In one word what has ruined an entire family is jealousy. It is so sad. None of them are happy for each other. They are all so fake that I don’t think they even know who they are anymore.”

It’s due to this craziness, that Jacqueline would like to return to her pre-Bravo normalcy according to our insider.

“Jacqueline would LOVE to leave the show but, she has a signed contract.  She asked them after taping this last season to fire her and they said no. She cannot break her contract because Bravo can sue her. The only way to break a contract is if Bravo decides to fire you. Jacqueline is a very real person. She is not competitive. She is not corrupted by the fame. She is the same Jacqueline she has always been,” the source reveals.

Our source also cites some copy cat behavior among the women, stating, “In order to be ‘friends’ with Teresa you have to agree with Teresa at all times and you have to let her think she is better than you. Jacqueline doesn’t have a competitive nature so that is how they got along so well. Jacqueline was working on a few business dealings and found out Teresa was trying to sabotage them and copy her. That made Jacqueline realize what a sneak she was. Jacqueline was the first one to even speak about a cookbook. She was discussing the possibility with Caroline for a Manzo cookbook. Jacqueline was getting involved with beauty lines and then Teresa moved over to that.”

Regarding Teresa’s ongoing feud with sister-in-law, Melissa Gorga, the insider explains, “Jacqueline also starting seeing the real Teresa when Melissa joined the show. She didn’t want anyone to tape with Melissa. She made up lies about Melissa to the others. Once Jacqueline got to know Melissa and saw the game Teresa was playing she wanted to be done with her.”

Finally, the source discusses Teresa’s constant cover stories with InTouch magazine, telling us, “The other issue with Jacqueline and Teresa was all the stories Teresa was selling to InTouch. Each week she would sell them lies after lies. She would deny getting paid for them and then you hear her say they were business dealings. InTouch even brought the puppy! I mean how fake can you get. Her whole wedding renewal was fake. That was presented to Jacqueline as well and she turned it down. It was a total stunt for the magazine and the show.”

Hmmm…sounds like our source isn’t the biggest fan of Teresa and is biffles with Jacq!  Of course, everyone has their own opinions and alliances, but I will say the insider is very close to the situation–and no, it’s not Danielle Staub!  🙂

We’ll get to see the ladies getting into once again on tonight’s episode.  Teresa yells at Jacqueline about Melissa’s jealousy before being questioned by a very Godfather-esque Caroline.  Kathy and Melissa discuss the tabloid fodder of the possibility that Teresa may serve some jail time.  Kathy is upset with herself for not reaching out to Teresa, and Melissa encourages her to attempt a calm and civil conversation.