Who in the Housewives franchise doesn't want to be the next Bethenny Frankel? I beg of you to find one woman schilling flavored box wine or t-shirts that doesn't consider the "end in sight' to be something Bethenny related. I'm just shocked that the newest member of the club who wants to one-up Bethenny is the original Housewife jump-off into legitimate business deals…that's right. I'm referring to NeNe Leakes.
The Real Housewives of Atlanta cast mate who has become more famous for her sit-com stints than her tacky one-liners on RHOA wants her own talk show. I guess it was only a matter of time, but gracious, Neenster! You have actually achieved more success commercially than all of your counterparts combined. Why are you now setting your sights on daytime television?
NeNe tells the New York Post, “I would keep it real for the whole hour! Whatever the topic is, I feel I could talk about anything. Politics, men, money, shoes . . . anything. I wouldn’t want to do a Maury Povich show. Baby daddy! Who’s your daddy? Who’s your mama? I wouldn’t want to do that kind of show.”
As for her own talk show, she reveals that she has had some discussions, but nothing is set in stone yet. NeNe shares, “It’s just a matter of time. I am here now, because I am supposed to be here. And I guess when it is my time to cross over there, I will be over there. I am not religious, but I am spiritual, honey. My day is coming!” She shares the following with the site:
What did you think of Bethenny Frankel’s talk show?
I did catch it. I thought she did a wonderful job.
What’s your TV obsession right now?
I am obsessed with trash TV. I watch all reality shows. I watch all the “Housewives.” I am a huge fan of “New Jersey.” I like that Teresa [Giudice] and her sister fight. I hope they continue to fight. I hope they never like each other.
Bad Girls Club?
I don’t watch them though. They do too much. They just screamin’ all the time. I need two Advils and four Tylenols. It’s too much.
Are the Teen Moms trashy enough for you?
Teen Moms! I started watching them like the first two seasons, and I stopped. I stopped because they are too young. I feel sorry for them. And I didn’t watch that show Hoarders. That thing would made my skin crawl.
As your acting career gains traction, do you slowly want to get away from reality?
At some point I do. I love the acting world. So at some point. . . I can’t continue to be a Housewife. At some point, I have to back out.
How much does The New Normal challenge your acting range. Do you get to mostly be funny?
There is a lot of drama with me. Like you didn’t know that!
Have there been opportunities you have missed because of your reputation from Real Housewives?
Probably. I don’t know that for sure. Just the thought of me being a Housewife, they would probably say “Hmmm. We may not want to use her.” Just the whole persona of being a Housewife. The cattiness and the bitchiness and the fighting. People see you as that is who you are.
If they did an all-star Housewives edition, who would you like to see on it?
I would probably do me, Bethenny, I like Jill Zarin even though she’s not there. I think she is everything of New York City. Her accent and everything is just great. I would probably grab Gretchen [Rossi] from Orange County, Teresa from New Jersey, and we could work it out.
[Photo Credit: NBC]