Tonight is the second half of the Real Housewives of New York reunion. It's also the end of the fifth season. And it wouldn't be Housewives without drama that far outlasts a season! Sonja Morgan and Aviva Drescher have been having issues since the controversial St. Barths smack-down.
Still not on good terms, Sonja speaks to The Examiner and admits she feels bad for Aviva – given all her issues. Oh dear…
"She definitely has deep anger issues. When I’m not around her, I feel bad for her but when you’re with her and she’s saying this stuff to you, it’s so hurtful."
"As time goes by, my initial personal feeling is easing and I now feel more pain for Aviva. She definitely has some very deep seated anger that she projects on other people. It’s more than anger it’s fear. I feel she’s fearful & very hard on herself, she’s hard on others. I wish she could figure out a way to love herself more & understand that people need her to love her & not be so paranoid. I think one of the reasons I trust people so much is that I love myself, so I love others, maybe a little too much. So it’s very painful when it backfires."
Sonja also shares that trying to be someone you're not on TV only makes things worse! "I think that if you try to be someone you’re not, the demeanor's very thin. If you’re gonna show hundreds of hours, the real you is going to come out. So, if you’re not sure who you are & you try to be someone you’re not & you’re insecure, that’s what happens."
As for this season's rather emotional and expository dramas, Sonja reveals tonight's segment of the reunion is filled with even more surprises.
"Everything is different than what you think & then when I get to the reunion, I was even surprised myself. The comments that came out, because after the housewives watch the show, they’re surprised because we don’t see what goes down on film. We’re only basing what we saw & heard."
"So if Aviva tells Carol [Radziwill] something about me & Ramona [Singer], it’s not necessarily true. It’s her perception & when Carol tells Heather [Thomson] something she heard from Aviva, it’s not necessarily true," Sonja explains.
"I felt Carol enabled Aviva this season instead if actually helping her friend. Everyone knows there was some contention between the Countess & the Princess over titles & whether people should use them or not. There were some revelations among the housewives themselves because they’re watching along with the viewers & the other thing is, we’re surprised at what Bravo decides to use. Just that trip to St. Barts was hundreds of hours of filming. We’re surprised ourselves at what Bravo decides to use."
Finally, Sonja dishes on what's next for her. A wine, a diet product, and, of course, a toaster oven!
"I need an investor for Sonja Home. I need a backer to make these toasters. I have a manufacturer, but I need to make sure they’re shipped properly. I did have offers regarding the cookbook from publishers but didn’t feel it was enough money to go on tour because I have a daughter at home & I want to stay with her. If I’m going to take time off for the tour, it’s going to have to be worthwhile. So I started rewriting the book & putting in lifestyle tips. People who watch the show are interested in the housewives lifestyle, as well as the recipes," Sonja shares.
"I’m looking into doing a bubby wine collection of drinks but I can’t do it all at once," she adds. And speaking of lifestyle tips, Sonja explains how she maintains her figure and why she sometimes looks so rough on camera!
"The first thing is, we film for months & months at a time. Plus I work extra hard on my other businesses. That lack of sleep starts to show & then the anxiety of what’s going to come out of the other housewives mouths. So the #1 thing is sleep. As soon as you start seeing me on WWHL & interviews toward the end of the season, I thin right up. The water weight comes off, the belly comes down," Sonja overshares. I'm pretty sure what she means is that she drinks less when she isn't filming…
"I have my weekly facial peel. I take fiber & I have my special Chocolate Sesame shake, which keeps things moving & of course fruits, vegetable & fish. Exercise sweats out impurities & helps keep your skin fresh." Sonja adds that 'Sonja Slimp Packs' crafted from the blood, sweat, and tears of abused interns will soon be available on her website.
Ok – enough about that! Tonight is the RHONY reunion and pirate booty is finally discussed. Also, Heather and Sonja continue to haggle over toaster oven branding for the toaster oven that doesn't exist.
Following that Le Red-Headed Fury, aka Jill Zarin will be appearing on WWHL and you couldn't pay me money to miss all the excuses and haggling.
Reality Tea will be live-tweeting all the toaster oven, pirate lovin', Aviva's gone mad and Ramona's gone pinot drama. Join us on the tweets.
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