Here Comes Honey Boo Boo Cancelled Despite Mama June Denying Relationship With Convicted Child Molester!

here comes honey boo boo canceled

TLC has decided to officially pull the plug on Here Comes Honey Boo Boo amid rumors that Mama June‘s new man is a convicted child molester Mark McDaniel! Icky times a million. 

June has denied any sort of relationship with Mark, despite photographic evidence alluding otherwise. First in a statement on Facebook where she admitted to once being involved with him.  “It isnt true i promise,” she writes. “My kids r #1 priority over anything else and I would never put them in danger period over this or anything else they r my life this is my past I left him 10 yrs ago for it and I wouldn’t go back.” 

“You can’t believe everything you read! Ppl sell stories to the tabloid everyday that r false!” June reminded fans. 


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In a video statement released this morning, June again insists she has not rekindled things with Mark. “The statement of me dating a sex offender is totally untrue. Pumpkin has openly said I have not dated him. I would not ever, ever, ever put my kids in danger – I love my kids too much.”

“That is my past,” Mama June continued. “I have not seen that person in ten years. And don’t even wanna see that person.”

TLC obviously did not believe June’s denial because they went ahead and pulled the plug on future filming and decided not to air the season they are currently in the middle of filming!

Their reason: the network believes June is putting her children at risk, and that is more important than ratings or money. TMZ says that although ratings have dropped in the last couple seasons the show is still very popular for the network and they are “taking a financial hit” by canceling it. 

“Supporting the health and welfare of these remarkable children is our only priority,” the network said in an official statement. “TLC is faithfully committed to the children’s ongoing comfort and well-being.” Sources say they will provide tutors and counselors for the Boo Boo kids as well. “We are very concerned about this new information and are reassessing the future of the series,” a network rep admitted. 

June shared that she was sad to leave reality TV behind, but seemed to accept the news in stride and thanked their supportive fans. “Things happen for a reason in life and you live and learn. We actually wanted to let y’all know from the bottom of our hearts that we do love y’all and we do care about y’all.” 

This has been a stressful year for the family. Anna, June’s eldest daughter, publicly quit the show and severed her relationship with June and her sisters. Then Mama June and Sugar Bear broke up over cheating allegations. June confirmed the couple is over. “We are still civil. We’re better off friends than we are a couple.” She said the network wanted her to keep that quiet until the season aired. 

[Photo Credit: TLC]



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