Shannon Beador Talks Friendship with Vicki Gunvalson, Pot Stirring, and Meghan Edmonds’ Apology

 Watch What Happens Live - Season 12

Shannon Beador was enjoying the beaches of Mo’orea and its tasty minibar gummie treats until Tropical Storm Meghan Edmonds and her oversized headbands blew in. After this week’s Real Housewives of Orange County rounded out their final days in Tahiti, Shannon admits she was ready to get home. She discusses Meghan’s apology (spoiler alert: she’s not loving it!), her friendship with Vicki Gunvalson, and – of course – the state of her marriage to David.  

After surviving her “fireball” whoop-it-up night with Vicki and Tamra Judge, Shannon says she wasn’t ready to spend a hungover day with the entire gang, “let alone swimming with fish in a claustrophobic headpiece from the 1960s!” She also expresses shock at hearing Meghan’s description of hubby Jim’s 2nd ex-wife. “I have not yet commented on anything that is going on in Meghan’s life when I am not present, but I was absolutely flabbergasted that she said Jim’s second ex-wife was a ‘very unhappy person’. As a stepmother and co-parent, I think that goes way below the belt.  Not nice,” scolds Shannon.


Something Shannon does appreciate is her friendship with Vicki, who she’s shared details of David’s affair with throughout the past year. She comments, “It was great to connect with Vicki on the beach. When David left me and moved out last June, Vicki dropped everything and took me to dinner to be there for me. I will never forget that because it was absolutely the worst day of my life. I had no recollection of my conversation with Vicki until I saw it on the episode. It brings up a lot of emotion in me.”

Shannon continues, “David’s affair began a week or so before I actually met Heather [Dubrow]Tamra, and Vicki. I knew something very different was going on in my marriage when I first met Vicki, but never in my wildest dreams did I think that my husband was having an affair. What made it so difficult for me was that his mistress infiltrated my life, befriended me, and vocally displayed an interest in my marriage. That is the ultimate violation of the title of this episode ‘Girl Code’. I thought I was gaining a friend, but she was basically acting, only interested in gathering information for the benefit of her affair with my husband.”

Shannon (again) maintains that despite David’s affair, and the painful consequences we’ve witnessed this season on RHOC, they are now in “an amazing place. And our family is happily living together as one unit. I am grateful for Vicki’s friendship and appreciate that she has respected my request to not tell the other women about my painful experiences in the last year.” Shannon actually triumphantly writes, “David has chosen me,” in her blog, but one has to wonder: for just how long?

Moving on to their last night in Mo’orea, Shannon confesses, “What is so hard to believe was that I was beginning to like Meghan on this night. When she, Lizzie [Rovsek], and I were at the table alone, a conversation came up that there were a lot of strong personalities in our group. I said that there were a lot of ‘pot stirrers’. And the biggest pot stirrer of all was seen that night—Meghan King Edmonds. She made Tamra think I was trying to do something way bigger than was intended. Ridiculous. I played the telephone game when I was in elementary school.”

After a tumultuous golf cart ride, Shannon was even more shocked that Meghan decided to go ice cold gangsta on her in the hotel room. “I have no words for Meghan’s behavior after our golf cart race,” huffs Shannon. “I don’t storm out when things are difficult (my marriage would be a good example). I walked away from her one time ever. She had no right to criticize me falsely and claim to know my patterns and character when she doesn’t know me in the least. I ended up spending the rest of the evening with Tamra, Heather, and Vicki. All was good. And Lizzie was sitting with me the whole night—knowing I had no bad intent. Done defending what should never be defended.”

After all of the Tahitian drama, Shannon expresses her excitement to return home to the loving arms of a text-happy David (“I miss my husband and am excited to get home! We have not been apart for one night for the last seven months and I want to see him! He sent me the most thoughtful texts on our trip with creative uses of emojis!”) Is it me, or do these three sentences read exactly like they were lifted out of the Twilight Trilogy, post-vampire marriage? 

But Shannon couldn’t escape Tahiti without one more confrontation with the walking headband, Meghan King Edmonds. She reveals, “Meghan’s apology on our last night in Tahiti came after a lot of things you didn’t see. Maybe they will come up in the reunion. But I appreciate the apology and look forward to moving on. But to be clear—an apology does not mean you are the bigger person.” 

Also describing next week as “emotional” (to which I ask: when is she not emotional?), Shannon claims, “I have no words to describe it.”


Photo Credit: Charles Sykes/Bravo

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