Did Real Housewives Of New Jersey Twins Teresa Aprea And Nicole Napolitano Score Their Own Reality Show?

Real Housewives of New Jersey twins Teresa and Nicole

For those of our readers who miss the Real Housewives of New Jersey twins, Teresa Aprea and Nicole Napolitano, I have exciting news. <crickets> Um, at least one of you misses them, right? <tap tap> Is this thing on?

Well, then I have exciting news. 😉 On the latest episode of the twins’ podcast, Girls In Heels, Teresa and Nicole revealed whether or not they plan to return to Real Housewives of New Jersey and dished on a new reality show in the works – they already shot the pilot – that will focus solely on their family.


When asked about Real Housewives of New Jersey season 7, Nicole said it’s on hold until Teresa Giudice is released from prison. Beyond that, it’s anyone’s guess. “It all depends on when Teresa comes out, what they’re going to do with the casting, and how they’re going to move forward,” she shared. “There is a lot going on with Bravo. I don’t think they’re really sure how they’re going to proceed.”

Teresa jumped in to say that her husband, Rino Aprea, isn’t too keen on the idea of doing the show again, and she admitted, she won’t unless the contract “wows” her. “If the contracts are right, we’ll see,” she said. “I won’t do it unless it’s SO WOW. Otherwise, it was a lot of stress for me, a lot of shit that I went through. That’s been a point of contention with me and my husband. He’s like, ‘Is it really worth it?’ He goes back and forth.”

What Did Joe Giudice Say About Rino Aprea On WWHL?

“We’re looking to do our own thing,” Teresa announced. “We filmed a pilot. It’s going to happen. We have a lot of people interested. We’re looking for a great time slot. You have to be careful. You have to compete, so you really have to find a great time slot. We’re looking right now for that right time slot. I’m looking forward to doing something like that [with] family.”

Teresa‘s co-host, Cooper Lawrence, pointed out a benefit of being on a Bravo show – a huge platform to launch that next product, next restaurant, next show. Teresa said, “It’s a great platform, absolutely, but that’s why I’m really looking to do a family show where I am not sharing time with other housewives. It would be all about us, and we can have more control over what we’re showing.”

Nicole added, “As much as it’s a platform, you say, ‘Okay, will next season be different? Will there not be as much drama?'”

Here, Teresa and Nicole started to bicker over who had it worse on the Real Housewives of New Jersey. (Disclaimer: It’s not easy to tell who is who when the twins are talking at the same time and trying to outdo each other, but I tried my best to pull a few quotes and figure out who said what.)

Teresa: I think I’ve been through a lot more than you.

Nicole: I still went through a lot with my children.

Teresa: I mean, they’re talking about nonsense, saying my mother’s been with my husband. These people are sick.

Nicole: My children had a little social media Twitter war with one of the Housewives’ husbands. That was very hard for me and their father to see. Yes, they were sticking up for the grandmother, but they had gone through a lot too. They had to go into school and deal.

Teresa: There’s always a price to pay. Is it worth it?

Nicole (or Cooper, not sure): Is it worth selling your soul to the devil?

Teresa: It’s true. You kinda are.

As for the twins’ new show, think Manzo’d with Children meets Vanderpump Rules. The pilot was filmed at Rino‘s restaurant Angelo’s of Mulberry St. “We worked with the producer who worked with us on Housewives,” revealed Teresa. “A lot of people have been interested. The pilot’s done; it was done a few months ago. That’s my point, whatever we want to showcase, being our own show, we would have a lot more control over garbage. Housewives, there’s a lot of fun to it, but you don’t…”

More back and forth chatter about Real Housewives of New Jersey – who endured more drama, who had more fun, blah, blah, blah…

“Nicole had a better experience,” insisted Teresa. “To be honest, you do not know what’s going to come up with reality. You don’t. I felt like they just took me down at the knees. That was a shocker to me. It was so repulsive, so bizarre.”

Teresa added that her hard time had nothing to do with so-called skeletons in the closet, but rather flat-out lies made up by her co-stars. “I don’t call anything skeletons,” said Teresa. “Everything in my life is an experience – good, bad, or indifferent, I embrace everything. I don’t have any regrets. I don’t have any secrets. You want to know, it’s out there. You want to know, ask me and I will tell you. I don’t have anything to hide.” 

Did someone say new reality show?!? Somewhere, Bobby Ciasulli is frantically dialing former ticket to reality TV stardom girlfriend Nicole while mapping out the best routes to the bathrooms at Angelo’s on Mulberry St.


Photo Credit: Mike Pont/Getty Images

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