The Real Housewives of New York is off to an explosive start this season, with Dorinda Medley airing her grievances at Sonja Morgan last week. Dorinda explains in her blog this week that she just couldn’t hold her tongue for another minute. Also, get a glimpse of what to expect on tonight’s episode.
Dorinda says she really, really tried to wait til after desert, but she couldn’t do it. “As I said previously, I spent the whole summer and part of the fall listening to Sonja badmouth me, my family, my boyfriend and her disgust with me setting Lu up with Tom. It came to a head when the night before Ramona’s dinner, Sonja gave YET ANOTHER INTERVIEW to a large group of women, and yes, it was quoted, carrying on her slandering ways and trying to draw much-needed attention to herself. She even admits in the show she was badmouthing me, and it was sort of a revenge for not inviting her to the one night in the Berkshires almost a year ago. So if she is going to continue to act childish and defamatory, then I am going have to amend Michelle Obamas’ statement “You go low I go high” and add a much needed Dorindism: “You go low, I go lower.””
Dorinda continues in her blog, “I just couldn’t take it anymore, and we all know Sonja has had her colorful past. I was not acting like a child throwing a tantrum (condescending again). I was acting like a women that was hurt. Sonja and I should be getting along. We are both at a place in our lives that we didn’t expect.”
She explains, “Just this weekend I was going through pictures of my life with Richard—our wedding, trips, parties, Washington events, and I had a little cry and moment of “What the hell happened?” But sadly life changes and takes its twists and turns, and we have no choice but to keep it moving and try to make the best of it. Sonja thought she would be settled in her townhouse, daughter off to boarding school, and she would live happily ever after with Mr. Morgan, but life happened. We all have these life earthquakes, and if you are lucky enough to survive them, you have to go with the change and support each other in making a new life. This is why the next morning I was cautious but willing, based on Sonja’s temperature to be open about everything and go forward. I said what I needed to say, and I’m hoping we can press the reset button and be supportive to each other. Thankfully the temp was one of forgiveness, and the morning sun and duck dance allowed us all to start fresh.”
Dorinda says, “Sometimes a blow up is needed to get it all out there—it’s not always a bad thing!”
Dorinda also shared that she is glad to have some one-on-one time with Tinsley Mortimer and appreciates her honesty. “As I said to her, none of us are perfect, and it’s all about doing today! Life is very forgiving and a deep breath, a sorry and a good old-fashioned prayer can help us all to start over again.”
On John staying out of the fray this season, “We haven’t see much of John this season so far. Reality TV historically has been hard on couples, and John and I are no different. We have decided to keep our relationship ours. I also wanted to really focus on my relationship with the girls without any noise about John.”
Tonight is an all new episode of The Real Housewives of New York City. “Carole and her mom go canvassing in Pennsylvania in the last moments before the presidential election, and later Carole and her friends watch the results come in while at her party. Sonja is conflicted between “Frenchie” and Rocco. Dorinda conspires to get Ramona to a surprise party she’s throwing for her, but Ramona unknowingly throws a wrench in the plans.”
Meet us here at 9/8 CST!
Photo Credit: Bravo TV