Southern Charm New Orleans Recap: Paranormal Activity

Southern Charm New Orleans Recap:

Southern Charm New Orleans really upped its game last night. Not only was my mouth watering the entirety of the show, the New Orleans crowd actually had a fun time together! Other than spending far too much time falling down a Myrtles rabbit hole on the internet (and not getting much sleep last night because of it), this episode solidified my adoration for this show. Take that, Savannah!

Reagan Charleston is blessing her new French Quarter apartment by burning sage with her sister as husband Jeff tends to the dogs thirty plus miles (and one long-ass bridge) away. Tamica Lee is about to head out of town with her cousin Jared. She straddles Jared and packs some roadies. The pair is heading to see Jared’s mom in the country after his recent coming out to his friend group. While he’s now told her he is gay, he hasn’t seen her face-to-face. Barry Smith bids farewell to his wife who isn’t looking forward to the road trip.

Downtown, Jon Moody is running with his “unconventional friend” Ty. In other words, they are probably doing the hippity dippity, but he’s not willing to get into an exclusive relationship with her because it was squash his game with the other ladies he’s hoping to bed. She was one of the nude models at the boys’ night party that got Jon into so much trouble with Tamica. He invites Ty to join him when the crew heads to the Myrtles Plantation, one of the most haunted destinations in the country. Also discussing the spooky getaway, Justin Reese is joining Tamica’s friend Susan for lunch at Dooky Chase’s restaurant. It looks phenomenal. He can’t hide his admiration for Susan who was one of his childhood crushes. She wants him to agree to a night away at the Myrtles. Justin knows her heart is in the right place by trying to bring the group together for some fun and fellowship after so much drama, but can’t they just go bowling? Why do spirits have to be involved?

Southern Charm New Orleans Recap:

Tamica and Jared are distant cousins, but they have only found each other in the last few years. She’s proud of him for being comfortable enough to share his life with her and his family, and she’s excited to meet additional relatives. They arrive in Jared’s hometown, but before he can have any additional conversations, his mother hosts a big crayfish boil. The food alone on this show is enough to keep me watching! After dinner, Jared pulls aside Tamica, his mother, and his sister to express his love and gratitude for their support. He wasn’t expecting such a loving response from his mother when he told her the news, but she only wants her son to be happy.

In hopes of getting some direction on the issues in her marriage, Reagan heads to a tarot card reading while Jeff heads to a therapy session. Hmmm…I wonder who is going to have more success? Jeff’s fear of counseling is that he doesn’t want to inconvenience anyone by telling them his problems. He finds the silver lining in the fact his wife spends half the week at another residence is that he now has time to focus on taking care of himself…for her. He is honest with the therapist about his fears that his time in the NFL has permanently damaged his brain. He admits to problems with anger and alcohol. Meanwhile, when Reagan asks her reader if she and Jeff are going to get through these tough times, she is rewarded with the devil card. This isn’t necessarily a bad thing–the cards are telling Reagan that she needs to maintain the balance in their relationship with some patience. When Reagan tells the tarot card reader their weekend plans, she is warned to be careful. The paranormal activity at the Myrtles is off the chart.

Southern Charm New Orleans Recap:

The NOLA charmers are prepping for their haunted excursion with lots of alcohol. Jeff arrives and tries to be sweet with his wife, but he reveals it is a bit awkward. They all board the party bus but almost forget Jon. His date charges onto the scene rather abruptly, pushing her way through the bus without bothering to introduce herself. Reagan and Jeff step up first with pleasantries, and God love Jeff when he realizes he has met her before. He never forgets a face…especially when it’s attached to a very naked body. As the group jokes about the supernatural which awaits them (and the legend of Chloe that will likely give me nightmares), a tire blows out on the van. This isn’t a good start–or a good sign. Justin knew this was a bad idea.

Southern Charm New Orleans Recap:

A new van quickly arrives to scoop up the crew, and before they know it, Miss Eby is taking them on a tour of a very creepy historic home filled with creepy dolls and doors to nowhere. Eby delivers some great zingers with each room description…”it should be quiet, but you never know!” Justin is a bundle of nerves. He freaks out when Jon snaps a picture of him because he’s terrified of having some paranormal shiz trapped in a photograph with him. Reagan and Jeff’s room is clearly haunted by a teetotaler because her wine glass is knocked off the bedside table within seconds of her pouring the glass. Eby tells the guests that there have been at least seven violent deaths on the property, two of which were murders. Justin confides in Reagan that his chest is tight. He does not feel comfortable in the house at all.

Southern Charm New Orleans Recap:

The evening’s dinner is beautifully set up outside. When Reagan shares her wineglass story, Miss Eby assures her that it’s just the children playing since they are staying in the nursery. She also tells the guests to prepare for lots of playing, whether it is having covers pulled off the bed or hair being brushed. Someone died of a foot infection in the room where Jon and Ty are staying. She warns him that the ghost will remove socks while guests are sleeping. Um no. It’s pretty telling that Eby refuses to stay the night in the house! The topic turns to Jon’s art show collaboration with Gian, and Tamica can’t hold her tongue. She’s peeved that Gian cut business ties with Barry (after being peeved she had business ties with Barry in the first place), and now Gian has moved on to working with her friend? Sure Jon is a great talent, but Tamica can’t help but think that Gian is using Jon to get under her skin. This line of thinking completely makes sense since everything has to be about Tamica. Barry’s feelings are hurt, but Jon wants to move past the drama.

Southern Charm New Orleans Recap:

The Myrtles Plantation is really capitalizing on its vibe, and I may spend the night in a haunted house for this meal. After dinner, they are treated to a zydeco band. Reagan coaxes Justin out of hiding–if he’s scared, shouldn’t he want to be around the group and not cooped up in an eerie room? The band totally transforms the mood, and the friends drink and dance well into the night. The guys share their signature moves, and Barry is the clear winner with his hip pop and spin, although Jeff’s jacket flash is priceless. As everyone heads to bed, Tamica doubles down on the wine in hopes of passing out before the ghosts arrive. This lighthearted fun is exactly what I want from my Bravo. Are you listening, Andy Cohen?


[Photo Credit: Bravo]