Married At First Sight Recap-How Can I Trust You

On this week’s episode of Married At First Sightthe couples were tasked with deepening their connections. Considering two husbands walked out during the last Married At First Sight episode, I don’t know how deep they can get. These couples definitely can use a crash course on trust and intimacy. Let’s be real half of these people need to learn just how to interact with another human being on a basic level. Let’s get to the petty!

Its 2 pm in the afternoon and Amber Bowles is still crying at home and Matt Gwynne still isn’t home. While rummaging through his virtually empty drawer, she finds a MAJOR discovery. Matt’s wedding ring is inside the drawer and NOT on his finger. I also had Hmmm… He leaves the house for 24 hours and takes off his ring before he leaves. Insert side eye emoji!  I also had to laugh that the only other thing in Matt’s drawer with the ring was some plastic. Does this man have anything besides the clothes on his back? SMH.  Amber, girl, why are you still being optimistic? This man has zero respect for your or the marriage. It’s clear he was out all night with another woman or women. Why else would he ignore you and leave his ring? I can’t!!!!!!!!!! His bags should have been at the door with a note that read, “I packed your things, see your way out”!

Married At First Sight Recap-How Can I Trust You

Sadly, Keith Manley finds out his grandmother has passed away. I think it’s great that Iris Caldwell was included and has been so supportive during a difficult time. Hopefully, this marriage works out since their wedding was one of the last memories Keith has with his grandmother.

So…. It seems our girl Deonna McNeill finally loosened up and had sex with Greg. The bad news for Greg Okotie is that it won’t be happening for a while since Deonna is sick. Greg is sweet while his wife is suffering on the couch he is attentive to her needs and wants to take care of her. Aww… I love Greg! I really hope Deonna doesn’t mess this up.

Married At First Sight Recap-How Can I Trust You

The last time we saw Elizabeth Bice she was screaming at Jamie Thompson about “Caucasian sex”. In an attempt to run for his life he took his cat and left. Dr. Pepper Schwartz comes to visit the couple to help fix what seems like a doomed marriage. Let’s face it: Elizabeth is insane and Jamie is just as weird. Why he even tries to constantly have serious conversations with Elizabeth is beyond me. The girl has the attention span of a three year old. Good luck, Dr. Pepper.  You have your work cut out for you.

After scolding them like children, Dr. Pepper speaks with each person separately. Elizabeth is starting to feel like Jamie is only using her for sex. She was very hurt when during their argument when Jamie said they don’t have enough sex. Dr. Pepper recommends that they both start fighting fair and stay in the moment with their discussions. Chile, please.

There is no help for this two. I have never seen two people who have fights to this degree when they barely know each other. It’s crazy, they are crazy!!! Now I see why they both married strangers.

Married At First Sight Recap-How Can I Trust You

Married At First Sight Recap-How Can I Trust You

After Amber has been crying all day, Matt just strolls in the house as if he hasn’t been MIA for 24 hours. Who the hell does this guy think he is? His behavior is the epitome of disrespect. Well, I am not the least bit surprised. It has been clear to me since the wedding day that he didn’t take marrying a stranger seriously. I also knew it was only a matter of time before he ditched needy Amber. Girl… if you don’t kick this fool to the curb!

A ringless Matt claims he didn’t have plans he just ended up hanging out with his friends. Ummmm… what the hell does spending time with your friends have to do with you ignoring her calls all night and not coming home.

Then to add insult to injury he plays dumb and readily agrees to remember he is married. Then Amber smiles giddily and jumps in his arms now that he is acknowledging her presence.  WHAT THE HELL! You can’t be this desperate and dumb. There is no way in hell I’m buying he was just with his friends. Good luck getting rid of Amber after this eight weeks Matt, she is a stage five clinger.

Married At First Sight Recap-How Can I Trust You

After a walk with Jamie, Elizabeth freaks out when she feels like Jamie takes his anger out on her dogs. She accuses him of dragging her dogs down the street. Elizabeth storms through the house and threatens to leave. Jamie gets upset that his wife is doing the opposite of Dr. Pepper’s advice. He warns her he is done with their relationship if she walks out. After more shouting Elizabeth agrees to stay if he stays away from her the entire night. Sigh! These people are crazy! I have never seen a more classic case of connecting too quickly with sex. Now Jaime and Elizabeth have nothing else to fall back on. Clearly talking to each other like adults is out of the question. Jaime doesn’t want to go in reverse and slow down with their sexual relationship. He feels that is the only area that they are getting right. Insert side eye. Not only do you need to stop having sex, you both need to stop seeing each other period. Elizabeth is explosive and Jaime whines constantly.

Married At First Sight Recap-How Can I Trust You

The next morning Elizabeth emerges and still wants to leave and go home. Despite her need to regroup, she isn’t giving up hope in their relationship. Jaime you may want to be careful. Elizabeth seems to thrive off of chaos and dysfunction and she will only take you further down that path. Typically this early in the relationship would be the honeymoon period. Instead these two are fighting dirty over small issues.

Married At First Sight Recap-How Can I Trust You

Dr. Pepper comes to put her foot in Matt’s a$$ speak to Matt and Amber. Dr. Pepper speaks to Amber first and she immediately starts to make excuses for him. She believes that her childhood makes her very insecure and she has been projecting that to her marriage. Ummmm… I don’t care what kind of childhood you had, a husband disappearing all night and returning without a ring is a BAD sign. When Matt speaks with Dr. Pepper he seems to think he can just shirk his way out of taking accountability. The doctor gives him a piece of her mind and tells him ground rules in marriage. She also lets him know staying out all night is definitely breaking a cardinal rule. I’m sorry, but I am not buying a grown man doesn’t know it’s wrong to ignore calls and just stay out all night. Chile, please. A boyfriend knows better, let alone a husband. Give me a break! Matt ran away from his annoying wife and probably was with another woman. I have no idea, why the experts would pick this guy. He is the last person I would think is ready to settle down. He doesn’t seem stable in ANY area of his life. If I were Amber I would be pissed.

Married At First Sight Recap-How Can I Trust You

There are about five weeks left to the experiment, so the experts give each couple trust and intimacy exercises. Deonna and Greg play a card game where each symbol represents a specific task. At one point, Deonna had to give Greg ten compliments and it melted my heart. Yasssss girl, you can teach a old dog, new tricks. I think this couple can be a great couple if Deonna can loosen up and let down her guard. Matt and Amber play a game where they answer questions they take out of a fishbowl. I think this is good for them, because maybe she will actually LISTEN to the clues that come out of his mouth.

Married At First Sight Recap-How Can I Trust You

Elizabeth and Jamie have to do a blind trust exercise. They have to complete tasks and answer questions while blindfolded. This is a good for them because seeing each other reactions may make them fly off the handle again. Maybe they need to stay blindfolded all the time when they talk. Iris and Keith complete the fishbowl exercise. Things get interesting when there was a question about favorite sexual positions comes up. Iris wants him to answer then appears to judge him when he says doggie style. Lmao! It’s really not funny, but Iris, girl…. You need to stop with the naive school girl act. You are a married woman now! You don’t need to feel ashamed about sexuality. I loved how patient Keith was despite being disappointed by some of her reactions.

Married At First Sight Recap-How Can I Trust You

Married At First Sight Recap-How Can I Trust You

Keith and Iris go to dinner and discuss the intimacy exercise. Keith hints about Iris’ maturity sexually and emotionally. He finally admits that her lack of both is a challenge and a concern for him. I love that he has been patient, but I think he should also be honest with her as well. Iris is worried that her husband correlates intimacy with sex. She isn’t ready to lose her v-card just yet and doesn’t want to it to jeopardize their marriage.

As Greg and Deonna get ready for bed, Greg makes it clear that he needs sex in a relationship. Deonna wants to just go with the flow and not put any stipulations on anything. It’s obvious that although Greg is respectful, he wants to continue to have regular sex. I think Deonna wants the option for it to just happen on her terms. Hmmm… either you are attracted to one another or not. If you have done it once, what is the point about being shy for the next time? Hopefully, they can find a solution that works for both parties because I do see potential.

Married At First Sight Recap-How Can I Trust You

Elizabeth forces Jamie to participate in a full moon circle. I have no idea what that is but it involves meditation, sage and candles. Maybe Elizabeth should do that more often so she is calm. Even the dog is meditating, probably setting his intentions to free himself of his crazy owner. Matt surprises Amber with a sexy massage complete with a table in the middle of the living room. Matt claims he wants to show Amber that he is serious about their marriage. Well, good thing you are married to NEEDYber, for anyone else it may be too little, too late.

Married At First Sight Recap-How Can I Trust You


[Photo Credit: Lifetime]