Married At First Sight Recap: Houston Reunion, Part 2

The Married At First Sight  cast continues their discussion with host, Kevin Frazier about what has transpired since Decision Day. Sometimes a second part to a reunion isn’t needed, but there were definitely more bombs dropped. It seems it wasn’t just the viewers who were surprised by many of the outcomes of the show, but the experts as well. I can definitely say the Houston cast kept me on my toes with their constant ups and downs.

A rumor about two divorced cast members dating is revealed. One of the grooms can’t seem to get over the demise of his marriage. More insight is given into the craziest night on the couple’s retreat. You can cut the tension with a knife in this episode. Let’s get straight into the recap!

Michaela & Zack

Zack continues to deny that he maintained a sexual relationship with Michaela. Although she definitely has some issues, I find it hard to believe they weren’t even kissing during the show.  He seemed all too excited to sleep in the bed together on more than one occasion. Once Michaela runs on the stage to defend her honor, he storms off only to return when she agrees to leave. The host digs further into the discrepancies in their stories. Zach claims the only reason he let her stay with him and had sex with her after decision day is because he felt bad for her. Huh? This guy is either delusional or a just a compulsive liar. He won’t even admit that he said flowery things to lead her on only to deny their impact later. This is so ridiculous, but it’s no different from their toxic relationship during the show. Hopefully they both stay far away from one another.

When the entire cast returns to the set, it’s apparent that there is tension now that Zach and Michaela are on stage together.  Things go from bad to worse when the footage is aired of her breakdown on the couple’s trip. For the first time, she reveals she was triggered because her father was driving one night upset and was killed by a drunk driver. I wonder why this was never mentioned during the show. Now her reaction, although not acceptable, makes a lot more sense. She says when he wanted to leave late at night, she feared the worst. Zach doesn’t seem moved or to even care about her story. Sadly, everyone isn’t an empathetic person until they experience something similar. I think they both could benefit from therapy.

Bao & Johnny

Next in the hot seat are Bao and Johnny.  At least they are able to sit in the same space and talk. They both admit that although they have seen each other a few times during group events, they haven’t kept in contact. After a video montage of some of their happier times, we finally get to the real issues. Very early on, Johnny agreed to talk about their problems off camera first. He feels like that was a mistake because there was a lot that the public didn’t get to see. Bao volunteers that one of the topics she didn’t want to talk about was their sex life. I don’t think that is unusual, but he believes \she wanted the world to see the best version of herself. He also accuses her of planning conversations for the show. Bao claims she only limited conversations on certain topics because she didn’t want to embarrass her family.  Obviously these two are very different, but I don’t think anything is wrong with being uncomfortable with airing every detail of your life out to millions of people every week. I think it’s natural to want to keep some things to yourself, although that may be difficult on a reality show.

I don’t care what Johnny says, on numerous occasions he said some very mean and hurtful things to Bao. Even during the reunion he repeatedly blames her for the downfall of the relationship. I still don’t understand why he chose to stay married, if she was such a terrible person. Thankfully, it seems like despite this toxic marriage, they both are in a better place. But, there have been rumors that Johnny is now dating Myrla. He admits that he spends the most time with her. He seems very open to the idea and thinks he would have been better matched with Myrla. Bao is so done with the relationship; she makes it clear she wouldn’t care.


Rachel & Jose

Rachel and Jose speak with the experts about their decision to get back together. Although they believe they have great potential, they want Jose to address his anger issues. Pastor Calvin Roberson admires their commitment to their marriage. He believes their situation is an example of no longer being in the honeymoon phase, but working together to get back on track. I hope Jose will learn how to compromise more, the future of this relationship depends on it. Rachel has no intention of giving up her independence.

Myrla & Gil

Myrla and Gil return to the set to speak with the experts. Dr. Pepper Schwartz is extremely confused given all of the great things Myrla said about Gil. After watching a clip of her complimenting him, Gil tears up. He obviously is still hurt and felt blindsided by the rejection. Honestly, I find it weird that all of a sudden, she went from hot to totally cold as well. I feel for Gil, but I think the woman that is meant for him will run circles around his ex-wife.  I suspect something or somebody got in head. Could it be that Johnny was whispering sweet nothings and buying Louis Vuitton bags in the background? Something just seems a little fishy to me. Pastor Cal feels that she made a decision out of fear, rather than logic. Sigh! I feel for Gil, he gave his heart to someone who made him feel safe only to stomp on it later. The man sold all of his belongings to start a new life with her! At this point, I don’t think Myrla is worth this conversation. Gil deserves a woman who truly loves him.

At this point, I think it’s pretty obvious that Myrla and Johnny are dating. The way they are leaning into each other and sitting with their hands close can’t be ignored. In fact, Gil doesn’t look remotely amused while they are all on the stage together. I find it to be pretty disrespectful to do that in Gil’s face. It would be different, if they would just be honest. When asked directly, Johnny seems unsure of what he should say while Myrla denies they are dating. SMH…  Gil isn’t stupid. I’m sure it adds insult to injury that of all people, his ex-wife prefers Johnny. When the group is asked who would have been better suited for one another, Gil walks out. I found watching Myrla and Johnny snickering and giggling at Gil’s reaction to be disgusting. I didn’t care for either one of them during the experiment and now I see why. They are both very selfish people. Even Rachel had to tell Johnny to back off. I understand things didn’t work out, but to seem to almost take delight in someone’s pain is crazy. Michaela leaves to check on Gil and they both decide to not return. I don’t blame them.


[Photo Credit: Lifetime]