Real Housewives of Salt Lake City Season 5, Episode 14 Recap: Bronwyn Tells All

Real Housewives of Salt Lake City Season 5, Episode 14
Photo Credit: Jesse James Allen/Bravo

Welcome to the Real Housewives of Salt Lake City Season 5, Episode 14 recap. Last week, Angie and Meredith were both still really upset about the way things ended at the bat mitzvah party. Mary confided in Angie about what’s going on with Robert Jr. And the ladies flew to Puerto Vallarta, where they fought endlessly until at last Meredith and Angie achieved kumbaya. Keep reading to see exactly what went down on RHOSLC Season 5, Episode 14: “La VIDA Loca.”

What happened on Real Housewives of Salt Lake City Season 5, Episode 14?

Real Housewives of Salt Lake City Season 5, Episode 14

In this week’s episode, Bronwyn accuses Britani of seeking attention from the group. Bronwyn opens up about the issues in her marriage, and Mary sends Robert Jr. off to rehab before joining the women in Puerto Vallarta. While at dinner, another fight explodes that ultimately sends Lisa running to her room to pack, ’cause she’s “going home.” Here are some of the highlights from RHOSLC Season 5, Episode 14.

Britani makes a play for attention

Real Housewives of Salt Lake City Season 5, Episode 14
Photo Credit: Jesse James Allen/Bravo

Lisa messages everyone to be ready to leave for the yacht at 11:00. Meanwhile, Whitney, Heather and Angie start their morning with water aerobics.

After their workout, they discuss the fact that Todd refused to come to the ER after Bronwyn’s dog attack. He thought she was overreacting and sent his assistant, who explained to him how serious it was.

Heather feels like Todd is “kind of mean to [Bronwyn]. He dismisses her,” she says. “I can totally relate, cause I was in a marriage like that.”

In the van on the way, Meredith says she didn’t sleep well. Earlier, Britani confided in Heather that she woke up in the night and heard Meredith “crying and throwing up.”

“I don’t know what’s going on with her,” Britani interviews. “But there’s something off.’”

On the yacht, Britani gets her panties in a bunch that nobody said anything last night when she made her “announcement” about her daughter. The daughter, who hadn’t talked to her in six months amid her parents’ divorce drama, was talking to her again and even spent the night. No one reacted. At all.

Britani thinks the group “isn’t very supportive of me … My feelings are hurt.”

“But do you like the idea of telling us you have an announcement?” Bronwyn questions her. “Or do you actually like the idea of seeing your daughter?”

“Bronwyn, you are a f*cking bitch!” Britani snaps. Yikes. Harsh!

These women are not your “friends,” Britani. They’re your co-workers. You have to bond with people before they’ll give you support. I don’t see any bonding happening here.

Bronwyn opens up about her marriage

Real Housewives of Salt Lake City Season 5, Episode 14
Photo Credit: Jesse James Allen/Bravo

When no one speaks, Bronwyn asks, “Do you have anything to say? I’m looking at you, Lisa.”

“I guarantee you,” Bronwyn interviews, “if someone called Lisa a bitch … and I didn’t stand up for her, we’d be talking about this until I’m dead.”

“We have been friends for 10 years,” Bronwyn continues to Lisa. “You have let this woman call me a gold-digger, a trophy wife … I have said to you multiple times, I feel vulnerable, I feel alone … This is bullsh*t.”

Bronwyn’s pissed that her “good friend” Lisa brought her into the group and doesn’t defend her. But Lisa insists, “I have stuck up for you in every situation … I am mentally f*cking exhausted, I am trying to be a great friend to you. There is nothing good enough.”

Suddenly, Bronwyn goes into full meltdown. She’s upset that nobody’s tried to get to know her, that everyone judges her. She starts spewing about “the real sh*t I’ve gone through with Todd, how hard it is to navigate being with someone who’s older and successful, and the infidelity we’ve had.” Uh oh. Now she’s got their attention.

“A couple of years ago,” Bronwyn explains, “we were on a trip, and he was texting someone on his iPad. Gwen went to say something to him, and she saw it over his shoulder.”

After Bronwyn confronted Todd, “He came back with a ring that had five diamonds, and he made me five new promises to match each of [them].”

But Todd works 3,000 miles away, five days a week. Bronwyn worries that if she’s not supportive or caring or just “there” enough for her husband, he’ll hurt her again.

“I’m not ‘good enough’ at home,” she says. “And then I’m not ‘good enough’ with you guys. Ever.”

Not all of the women are supportive of Bronwyn

Real Housewives of Salt Lake City Season 5, Episode 14
Photo Credit: Jesse James Allen/Bravo

Heather’s the first to say she’s sorry to hear the news. But when Meredith tries to “blame” Bronwyn for having walls up, Whitney is not having it.

“It’s so cringey to me that Lisa and Meredith are choosing to have Todd’s side,” she interviews. “In this moment, we just need to say, ‘F*ck Todd!’”

Bronwyn admits that Todd probably means more to her than she means to him, and she’s admitted that he has a “blunt communication style.” She feels that she hides herself most of the time and nobody knows “100% who I am.” She feels isolated and that nobody “totally gets me.”

“[I] don’t have a great relationship with my mom, I’m losing my dad, Gwen is going to college,” she continues. “I thought Lisa was introducing me to friends, but it’s been tricky. It reinforces the narrative that maybe I’m not good enough for anyone.”

Thankfully, Heather jumps in and says, “The truth is, just because you got pregnant and you were a single mom, you were taught and shamed to be grateful to anyone who just throws you a bone. That’s bullsh*t. You’re a survivor.”

Heather adds that Bronwyn doesn’t have to settle for “good enough.” If Todd doesn’t treat her the way she deserves to be treated, she doesn’t have to settle. Suddenly, Heather sees herself in Bronwyn.

Even though she loves Todd and has chosen to stay with him, Bronwyn appreciates Heather’s support. And Heather’s not the only one. Meredith and Angie both open up to her about the struggles in their own marriages.

But as they’re walking back to the van, Lisa’s only takeaway is that, “When Todd sees this, he’s gonna lose his mind.”

Lisa’s Vida Tequila dinner from hell

Real Housewives of Salt Lake City Season 5, Episode 14
Photo Credit: Jesse James Allen/Bravo

Dinner is all about Lisa’s tequila company, Vida.

“It feels less like … a dinner party,” Whitney interviews, “and more like … a cheesy Vida Tequila commercial.”

Britani asks Meredith how she’s feeling. Meredith says she’s fine, but Britani adds, “I heard you crying last night.”

“I was upset last night, and I cried,” Meredith admits. “I’m fine now, but thank you for asking.”

Bronwyn adds, “We don’t need to talk about it, but [she heard all about it] when I was getting glammed … It sounds like you don’t want her talking about it.”

When Meredith says she’s moved on, Lisa insists, “Meredith should say how she feels, instead of saying, ‘I don’t want to talk about it.’”

“Lisa,” Angie replies, “we agreed to stay out of each other’s stuff. You need to stay out.”

“Don’t tell me what to do,” Lisa says defensively. “I don’t like the way you’re talking to me.”

“It’s interesting when it’s about your feelings,” Whitney observes, “you want us to all care. But if it’s our feelings, you don’t.”

“Nobody gives a f*ck about me,” Lisa says. “You did some f*cked up stuff to me, Whitney, and you’re lucky I even look at you … You’re not a victim, you’re a f*cking lying bitch.”

When Angie comments that Bronwyn really opened up today and shared more than Lisa ever has, Lisa burst into tears. She thinks Angie’s attacking her. Sobbing, she jumps up from the table and announces, “I’m going home.”

Unfazed, Mary asks, “What happened to dessert?” And now, RHOSLC is on a break until the New Year! See you in 2025!

The Real Housewives of Salt Lake City returns Wednesday, January 8 at 8/7c on Bravo.