Big Brother Week 2 Spoilers & Updates!

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The games have officially began in the Big Brother House! With Ronnie going back on his word by eliminating Braden, the other houseguests in his alliance are left trying to figure out who the “snake” is.

What team is Ronnie really on? And who will be nominated for eliminations?

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  • Immediately after Thursday’s show, most of the houseguests who voted to eliminate Chima were able to figure out Ronnie was the snake. Jeff, Laura, and Casey are especially pissed.
  • They do a good job at hiding their real feelings since the “snake” aka Ronnie is the new HOH. Ronnie has no idea they have figured him out and keeps trying to blame Michele as being the person who changed their vote.
  • It seems Ronnie is all in with the Athletes clique as well as the Offbeats.
  • Ronnie nominates Jeff and Laura, still lying to them that his plan is to backdoor Russell. Russell is starting to have his suspicions about Ronnie, calling him evil.
  • Jeff is the POV winner! (Goooo Jeff!!) Ronnie now saying the plan all along was to backdoor Russell!
  • The tide seems to be changing, pretty much all the houseguests now want Russell out! Jessie might be the only exception.
  • Jeff has confronted Ronnie about being the person who changed his vote. Ronnie has admitted he did indeed vote out Branden.
  • Ronnie has now promised to backdoor Russell if all the houseguests can promise him they will vote out Russell! They do! OPERATION BACKDOOR RUSSELL seems to be in full effect!

Will Russell be backdoored? And how will he react if he is? Will continue to bring you the latest updates! Check back on Wednesday for more spoilers.