Photo – Teen Mom’s Amber Portwood Gets Tattoo Of Daughter Leah On Her Belly

While her daughter was being made a ward of the state and charges were being pressed against her for striking her ex-fiance, it seems Teen Mom star Amber Portwood was busy getting some permanent body art.

Above is a picture of Amber’s giant tattoo of her 2-year-old daughter Leah on her belly. According to Star magazine, Amber got the tattoo on November 14 and it reportedly took a total of 9 hours.

A source close to the 20-year-old reality star tells RadarOnline that “she got the tattoo as a way to show her commitment to Leah.” Radar adds that so far it’s her first and only tattoo.

Amber is arguably the break out “star” of the MTV reality show as she continues to remain in the press for all the wrong reasons. First it was for her violent attacks on her daughter’s father Gary Shirley (she has since been charged with domestic violence) and then recently, two media outlets reported she was pregnant again. Something Amber has now denied.

Radar adds that Amber’s new boyfriend Clinton Yunker also has two children of his own to go with his lengthy criminal record. A bigger photo of Amber’s tattoo is below.

You know what they say, you can take the trailer park trash out of the girl but…