UPDATE: NJ Housewife Teresa Giudice Slams Simon van Kempen & Sis-in-law Melissa Gorga!

Let the drama games begin!

Real Housewives of New Jersey star Teresa Giudice took to her twitter page yesterday and managed to slam two of her Bravo housewives counterparts including her sister-in-law.

First, Teresa, 38, took a shot at Real Housewives of NYC star Simon van Kempen. Though in Teresa’s defense, Simon did sorta fire the first shots. In an interview with Popeater yesterday to promote the release of his new music single ‘I Am Real‘ (listen here at your own risk), Simon was asked which Bravo housewife should never record a song, and he replied “Teresa Giudice.”

It seems Teresa was none too happy with neither Simon’s response nor his music. She tweeted yesterday, “I guess RHONY Simon said of all people *I* should never do a song. Hmm… Singing’s not my thing. Apparently not his either. #worstsongever.”

Okay, fair enough. Except Teresa then took things a step further insulting her costar and sister-in-law Melissa Gorga with her follow up tweet. “And I have heard some BAD Housewife songs. Trust me. xx,” added Teresa.

See Teresa hates Melissa, who also happens to be a singer with a new single whose singing story line will play a major role on the upcoming season of the NJ Housewives… according to the season trailer.

Melissa caught wind of Teresa’s tweet and responded with “I see the green eyed monster strikes again…….” Safe to assume the two sister-in-laws have yet to make up. A screen shot of the tweets below –

Meanwhile, the AMNY site is reporting that we can expect to see a whole lot more of Albie and Chris Manzo when the third season of the NJ Housewives premieres May 16.

Albie reveals he and his younger brother filmed “a lot more” this season with their mother Caroline Manzo. “At this point, I think it’s become a family experience — it’s what separates us more from the other ‘Housewives’ shows,” said Albie.

As for what we can expect this season, Albie teases, “You’ve got to wait and see.”


UPDATE Teresa responded to our story on her twitter page stating she was not slamming Melissa but rather former costar Danielle Staub.

“Me tweeting a joke ab Simon’s song is turned into a whole article? http://t.co/OkL0x9p LMAO But sorry I was NOT talking about my sis-in-law,” tweeted Teresa adding “My sis-in-law doesn’t even have a song out… I was talking about D and her hilarious fake lesbian song from last year.”