Bethenny Frankel Calls Her Mom! Also, Jason Hoppy Moves Out Finally! Divorce Over Soon?

Bethenny Frankel with coffee

Bethenny Frankel is having a very emotional week! The Real Housewives of New York star revealed that she not only called her mother after nearly 15 years of not speaking, but Jason Hoppy has finally vacated the Tribeca apartment and she can put it up for sale!

On her radio show, B Real With Bethenny, she admitted that she’s been crying a lot this week and her emotions are raw. “I’ve had an emotional week this week. I’ve been crying more than last season on Housewives, which I dubbed the crying game.  I’ve been going through a gnarly, nasty divorce that has been going on for almost four years. And there are certain things that you think of or that kind of remind you of what you’ve been going through.” 

She continued, “I’ve cried so many times ‘when is it going to be over? When am I going to get that apartment back? It’s a material thing, the apartment that I used to live in. If you ever watched my show, I was broke and then bought this apartment in Tribeca, which was the first thing I ever purchased in my life. A real purchase like a grown up. And then for years it’s been sort of sitting there inhabited not by me and I lived in corporate apartments and hotels. There was controversy when I was on the show last year because I said ‘I’m the richest homeless person in Manhattan’ and people thought I was sort of equating myself to being homeless, which isn’t what I was saying. I was saying I was the richest homeless person in Manhattan because when you go through a divorce, you realize that there are a lot of things that people don’t know. So lawyers tell you that you can’t move, you can’t buy anything, you can’t do anything. So it seems like ‘oh she has all the money in the world, why can’t she just go live somewhere?’ Living in a hotel with a 3, 4, 5 year old kid is not fun because you are only there the days that you have your kid. You’re constantly in the car. I lived in a corporate apartment, but all my stuff was in the apartment in Tribeca, so I would go back and forth every day with bags and suitcases and change in the car. It was really unsettling. It was really, really bad. My house wasn’t a positive environment so I’d pick my daughter up from school in my talk show outfit and take her somewhere to not be in the house.” She says they’d go to Barnes and Noble to read together, to the American Girl store, just trying to make it good for Bryn. She cried for years over the situation and not feeling she had a true “home” to go to.

Bethenny then gets to the reason she’s re-explaining all of this: Jason has finally moved out! “This week that apartment was vacated. They speculated about it in the Daily Mail because they saw pictures of me there. I never know what I’m allowed to say. I don’t like to make this stuff too public but I have been photographed there.” 


She says she plans to sell it (it’s reportedly worth about $5 million) because she doesn’t want to live there, obviously after the bad memories there now. “But I just so badly wanted for that to be over and to sell it and close that part of the chapter. The divorce isn’t over, but that chapter is.” 

Bethenny was surprised at how it felt to be back in the apartment. “I walked in there with a staging person because it doesn’t look anything like it did then, it’s a little bit of a mess now.” She says she didn’t really think about what it would be like to walk in that apartment again after all these years and she sobbed for hours as it hit her that it was finally here – having the apartment vacated and all that’s happened leading up to this.

She says it was a release. “You always think things are going to be one way. I thought it was going to be the biggest party ever. I was going to be roller skating through there with my top off, my tits hanging out, so excited.” But she says it was the opposite. “There was nothing good about any of it. Remembering moving in there, remembering… just, it was a hideous experience. I didn’t even know how to process the feeling.”

Bethenny then reveals that it all happened the day after she chose to call her mom! She says that Bryn has started inquiring about Bethenny’s parents and said that she wanted to meet Bethenny’s mommy. So, Bethenny finally reached out to her mom! She says it wasn’t an excruciating conversation with her mother. Bethenny felt like a grown up in how she handled it and they agreed they both have their own story of their past and how they got to where they are and that the call wasn’t awful. She didn’t light any fires, she’s not angry anymore. She even called her stepfather to see if he wants to come, too, when she and Bryn go to see her.  So, they’re all getting together.  Pretty incredible after all this time, right?

Those are some amazing wins all around this week for Bethenny! She’s one step closer to getting this divorce nightmare done and over with and now she’s baby-stepping her way back to a relationship with her mother.



Photo Credit: Instagram

